Vlad Roubtsov - 2005-03-05

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Yes, well, keeping up with Forrest changes is impossible for
any sane person. That's the trouble with some Apache
projects. I started with one Apache Forrest version and
while I was getting my site build to work they moved up a
version and that broke what used to work before (a skin got
removed, etc).

Note that the current BUILD.txt details the exact versions
of stuff you need to reproduce the build:


- JDK1.4+ (official build uses Sun's build 1.4.2_01-b06,
mixed mode)
- Apache ANT 1.5+ (official build uses v1.6.1)
- Apache Forrest (official build uses v0.5.1)

and there is a good reason for that.

I am very much into self-contained/binary-level reproducible
builds, which implies keeping track of dependecy versions of
checking them into CVS.
