

Steffen Lehnert

EMFTrace with Eclipse Indigo SR2, EMFStore 0.9.3, ECP 0.9.3

  1. Download and install Java SE Development Kit 7 (JDK):
  2. Download und install Eclipse Indigo Modeling Tools SR2:
  3. Update to latest version: Check for Updates (Help -> Check for Updates)
  4. Install EMFStore 0.9.3
  5. Install EMF Client Platform 0.9.3
  6. Add update site for Zest: (latest version, here: 1.5.1)
    • Install the following features: Zest Visualization Toolkit + SDK
  7. Add update site for MoDisco:
    • Install the following features: Technology -> MoDisco Java Feature (Incubation) (make sure to install latest version (here: 0.11.x), you might also get 0.9.2.x listed here)
    • Right-click into your Eclipse Package Explorer
    • Select "Import", then "Plugin Development -> Plugins and Fragments" -> "Next"
    • For "Import from" select "The active target platform"
    • For "Import as" select "projects with source folders" and click "Next"
    • Select "" and import the plugin
    • Select this plugins in your workspace, open the "model" folder and select the "java.genmodel"
    • Right-click "java.genmodel" and select "Generate Model Code", then "Generate Edit Code"
  8. Checkout the following SVN repositories using an external(!, see hints below) SVN client
  9. Use File -> Import -> Plugin-Development -> Plug-ins and Fragments and import all repositories from an directory
  10. Generate the mode and edit code
    • Select org.emftrace.metamodel plugin and open the model folder
    • Open the generator model (MetaModel.genmodel)
    • Open the context menu (right-click) of MetaModel and
      • "Generate Model Code" and wait until the process finished
      • "Generate Edit Code" and wait until the process finished
  11. Build the plugin-projects with Eclipse
  12. Add Debug and Run Configurations for EMFStore Server
    • Open the Debug/Launch-configurations of Eclipse
    • Search for the type "Eclipse Application"
    • Create a new child element: EMFStore Server
    • On the main-tab, select ''Run a product'' and enter "org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.server.server"
    • Open the "Plug-ins" tab
      • Launch with: "plug-ins selected below only"
      • Add the following plugins:
        • org.emftrace.metamodel
        • org.emftrace.metamodel.edit
    • Select "Add Required Plug-ins"
    • Validate Plugins-Ins and Apply
  13. Add Debug and Run Configurations for EMFTrace Client
    • Open the Debug/Launch-configurations of Eclipse
    • Search for the type "Eclipse Application"
    • Create a new child element: EMFTrace Client
    • On the main-tab, select ''Run as product'' and enter "org.eclipse.platform.ide"
    • Open the "Plug-ins" tab and add the following plugins:
      • Launch with: "plug-ins selected below only"
      • Add the following plugins:
        • org.emftrace.core
        • org.emftrace.metamodel
        • org.emftrace.metamodel.edit
        • org.emftrace.ui
    • Select "Add Required Plug-ins"
    • Validate Plugins-Ins and Apply
      • Search for "emf.ecp", all ECP plug-ins should be added
  14. Run JUnit Plug-in Tests
    • Open org.emftrace.core -> src -> org.emftrace.core.test
    • Select
    • Right click: Run As -> JUnit Plug-in Tests
    • Make sure all tests run successfully

Hints and pitfalls

  1. You can also use a SVN client like Subversive to check out the repositories. But make sure the repositories are configured as Plugins-Projects within Eclipse. In some cases they will not be recognized as Plug-in Projects. We recommend to import the plug-ins via File -> Import -> Plugin-Development -> Plug-ins and Fragments, after that you can use Subversive to update the project.
  2. If you get "FileNotFoundExceptions" or "ClassNotFoundException" please check the class path setting ("Bundle-ClassPath") in your MANIFEST.MF files and just use a dot (.) here. We already set the dot here but in some cases it will be modified by Eclipse.


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