
#79 add display related pins to HALUI


Would like to have pins in HALUI that have:

1) Displayed value of each axis (X Y Z etc)
2) units displayed
3) relative/absolute selection
4) joint/axis selected
5) more?

so that an external panel/display could be aware of (and reflect) the changes in the GUI.
eg. if you switch the display in the AXIS GUI to metric an external display would light up to remind you you are in metric display mode.


  • John Kasunich

    John Kasunich - 2009-01-15

    I thought we discussed this at length last night on IRC.

    We agreed that halui should have outputs that could be used to drive an external display, and inputs so that the operator of that display could specify the units, etc to be used.

    We also seemed to agree that sending units, etc, info from Axis through HAL pins to halui was not a good way to slave the halui display to a particular instance of Axis. HALUI is an independent user interface and knows nothing about what Axis is doing.

    This feature request should be used to define the halui to display/control interface, not to cover methods of "slaving" halui to Axis. (I'm pretty sure we all agree that slaving halui to Axis wasn't a good design decision.)

    The goal of an external DRO display for Axis (whether pyvcp or real, like 7-segment or nixie) is a different problem and should have its own feature request - the solution to that problem probably should not involve HALUI at all. If you want a "display repeater" for Axis, implement it as a display repeater, don't run a second complete user interface (halui).

    Back to the subject of this feature request - I don't think there should be an axis select input. Instead, there should be an output pin for each axis (or joint), as well as any other things that the user might want to put on his DRO. That way if he has a 3 line display, he can display three things. A six line display can display six things. If he has a one line display, he can use a HAL mux to select what thing to display, and so on.

  • John Kasunich

    John Kasunich - 2009-01-15

    I thought we discussed this at length last night on IRC.

    We agreed that halui should have outputs that could be used to drive an external display, and inputs so that the operator of that display could specify the units, etc to be used.

    We also seemed to agree that sending units, etc, info from Axis through HAL pins to halui was not a good way to slave the halui display to a particular instance of Axis. HALUI is an independent user interface and knows nothing about what Axis is doing.

    This feature request should be used to define the halui to display/control interface, not to cover methods of "slaving" halui to Axis. (I'm pretty sure we all agree that slaving halui to Axis wasn't a good design decision.)

    The goal of an external DRO display for Axis (whether pyvcp or real, like 7-segment or nixie) is a different problem and should have its own feature request - the solution to that problem probably should not involve HALUI at all. If you want a "display repeater" for Axis, implement it as a display repeater, don't run a second complete user interface (halui).

    Back to the subject of this feature request - I don't think there should be an axis select input. Instead, there should be an output pin for each axis (or joint), as well as any other things that the user might want to put on his DRO. That way if he has a 3 line display, he can display three things. A six line display can display six things. If he has a one line display, he can use a HAL mux to select what thing to display, and so on.

  • Sebastian Kuzminsky

    Halui currently has #1 (displayed value of each axis) and #4 (joint/axis selected), but not #2 (units displayed).

    I'm not sure what's meant by #3 (relative/absolute selection). halui currently has the axis position in machine coordinates (halui.axis..pos-feedback) and in offset (G54 etc) coordinates (halui.axis..pos-relative). Is that what's meant by #3?

    All coordinates are reported via halui in the machine's native units, independent of G20/G21.

    Chris Morley & John Kasunich, does that feature set satisfy this feature request, or is more work needed?