
#125 Streamer adding clock pin


I think that streamer need clock pin to expand ussage. For now is clocked just by speed of thread where is attached.
I propose to add clock pin and control pin like that:
streamer.N.clock for clocking streamer by signal
streamer.N.clock-mode to tell what clock pin does.

and meaning of clock-mode to be:
clock-mode=0 (default) means use thread speed as clock (as it is now to be compatible)
clock-mode=1 clock streamer by falling edge
clock-mode=2 clock streamer by rising edge
clock-mode=3 clock streamer by both edges

actualy I already did that change but don't know how/where to post it. So code is attached (the whole streamer.c with comments)

1 Attachments


Archived Feature Requests: #125


  • eslavko

    eslavko - 2014-11-24

    Nobody care about that?!?

  • Sebastian Kuzminsky

    Looks like a good feature!

    The updated streamer.c has some whitespace problems, and the new pins need to be documented in the streamer manpage (docs/man/man9/streamer.9). Other than those nits it looks good and could go into 2.7.

    • eslavko

      eslavko - 2014-12-02

      I do that "bugfix" and "feature add" to suit my needing. But I think
      that now the streamer component is far more ussable. I'm not C
      programmer and don't know what you mean with whitespace problem, and
      don't know how to update manpage. I check it as a text but had a lot of
      some strange characters defining type of text. There are probably some
      editor for that or what?


      On 02. 12. 2014 06:27, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:

      Looks like a good feature!

      The updated streamer.c has some whitespace problems, and the new pins
      need to be documented in the streamer manpage
      (docs/man/man9/streamer.9). Other than those nits it looks good and
      could go into 2.7.

      [feature-requests:#125] Streamer adding
      clock pin

      Status: open
      Created: Sun Nov 16, 2014 08:08 AM UTC by eslavko
      Last Updated: Mon Nov 24, 2014 05:49 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I think that streamer need clock pin to expand ussage. For now is
      clocked just by speed of thread where is attached.
      I propose to add clock pin and control pin like that:
      streamer.N.clock for clocking streamer by signal
      streamer.N.clock-mode to tell what clock pin does.

      and meaning of clock-mode to be:
      clock-mode=0 (default) means use thread speed as clock (as it is now
      to be compatible)
      clock-mode=1 clock streamer by falling edge
      clock-mode=2 clock streamer by rising edge
      clock-mode=3 clock streamer by both edges

      actualy I already did that change but don't know how/where to post it.
      So code is attached (the whole streamer.c with comments)

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      Archived Feature Requests: #125

  • eslavko

    eslavko - 2014-12-02

    I do that "bugfix" and "feature add" to suit my needing. But I think that now the streamer component is far more ussable. I'm not C programmer and don't know what you mean with whitespace problem, and don't know how to update manpage. I check it as a text but had a lot of some strange characters defining type of text. There are probably some editor for that or what?


  • Sebastian Kuzminsky

    A version of this patch by Eslavko was added to 2.7.0-pre7 by Dewey Garrett and Jeff Epler.

  • Sebastian Kuzminsky

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: -->