
Electron localization function response to electric field

Elk Users
  • Andrew Shyichuk

    Andrew Shyichuk - 2017-05-10


    I would like to study the effect of static electric field on electron localization function (in a particular material). Is that possible in Elk? If yes - how should I do that?


  • J. K. Dewhurst

    J. K. Dewhurst - 2017-05-11

    You can apply a saw-tooth electric field using:

      0.0  0.0  0.1

    A more sophisitcated way would be to use TDDFT with a constantly increasing vector potential, E=-1/c dA(t)/dt. This would be a nice feature to include in Elk: I'll add it to the next release -- thanks.


  • Andrew Shyichuk

    Andrew Shyichuk - 2017-05-16

    Thank you.

    What do you mean by saw-tooth? Is that field strength-over-time saw-tooth, or strength-over-space?
    INFO.OUT says it's 'Constant electric field applied across unit cell', so I guess it must be a uniform constant filed. Is it not?
    From the code I can guess that it is rather a uniform field resuling in a saw-tooth (linear within unit cell) potential. Is that correct?

    Also, the keyword is not in the manual, neither is potefield subroutine.

    Best regards,


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