
Searching the ELATED-EXT

  • Jesse

    Jesse - 2006-04-18

    OK, so I have added custom metadata fields to a collection I created in Elated.  Now the objects that are a member of this collection can add data to those custom fields.  This data is stored in the respecitve FEDORA object as its own datastream called "ELATED-EXT".  From what I have come to find out is that FEDORA is not able index this file's contents and it isn't searchable using any of FEDORA's interfaces.  So I was assuming that Elated was able to index and search against this custom metadata since it let me add it afterall.  Is the custom metadata in Elated indexed and searchable using the default Elated UI?

    • Jesse

      Jesse - 2006-04-20

      Well I found an answer to my question, I got a hold of Eric Jansson at NITLE and he said...

      "Elated currently does not support searching of non-Dublin Core fields.  Elated's support for non-DC fields is something of an afterthought, to be honest.  Elated just creates an additional metadata XML file with a series of name/value pairs for these fields, which works fine for simple extensions to DC, but is not what you would want to do for larger metadata needs outside of DC.

      For example, if you wanted to support Extended Dublin Core or VRA, it would be better to create an XML file in a format that follows a XML standard for that standard and then put the data in there.

      Elated does not currently index this extended metadata for text searching, though that would be entirely possible to add. It just isn't there right now."

      Thanks Eric, and hopefully this info may be useful to others :)


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