
help with "Error: dial command failed"

  • Andreas Chatziagapiou

    i am using :
    SmartLink Soft Modem: version 2.9.11 Mar  6 2009 00:36:34
    installed it through my System->Administration->Drivers
    I am sure that i am using the correct port ttySL0 for my modem
    , init params: the default ones but it can't dial. it reports the "Error: dial command failed"
    Any help would be appreciated.


    • Chris Vine

      Chris Vine - 2009-07-25

      It looks as if you are using the correct port or you would not get back anything from the modem at all.  However, I am afraid I have no idea why it reports that the dial command failed, other than perhaps your soft modem does not support faxing.  (I do not know whether it does or it doesn't).

    • Andreas Chatziagapiou

      my modem supports, i know it because i used to send faxes with windows

      • Chris Vine

        Chris Vine - 2009-08-14

        That's not the point.  The question is whether the Linux driver for your software modem supports faxing.  It looks as if it doesn't.

        • Andreas Chatziagapiou

          this is probably the reason and the hardware part. i agree. But i am wondering because my system suggested this driver. so i must look for other modem driver.
          thanks cvine for your prompt reply.

    • Oliver M

      Oliver M - 2009-09-09

      I have same problem: "Error: dial command failed" ! My hardware is external fax-modem Hayes Accura 144 + fax 144 connected to COM1 port. Problem is same in Mandriva 2008.1, Ubuntu 9.04 and Debian 5.0.  It work very well for dial up connection, but for faxing in no way.

      • Chris Vine

        Chris Vine - 2009-09-10

        I have little idea what your problem is, I am afraid.  As you have tried different efax-gtk packages from different distributions then it is unlikely to be a packager making incorrect changes to the source code.  Possibly your modem is not correctly set up for your country's telecoms standards - different countries have different dial tones for example.

    • Oliver M

      Oliver M - 2009-09-10

      One more information about my problem: modem can receive , but can not send fax.


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