
#11 QFormatFactory

Next Minor Release

Is it possible to divide QFormatFactory in a class and an abstract class :
class QCE_EXPORT QAbstractFormatFactory : public QObject

QAbstractFormatFactory (QObject *p = 0);
virtual ~ QAbstractFormatFactory ();

virtual int formatCount() const = 0;
virtual QStringList formats() const = 0;

virtual QString id(int ifid) const = 0;
virtual int id(const QString& sfid) const = 0;

virtual QFormat format(int ifid) const = 0;
virtual QFormat format(const QString& sfid) const = 0;

public slots:
virtual void setFormat(const QString& fid, const QFormat& fmt) = 0;

class QCE_EXPORT QFormatFactory : public QAbstractFormatFactory

QFormatFactory(const QString& f, QObject *p = 0);
virtual ~QFormatFactory();

int formatCount() const;
QStringList formats() const;

virtual QString id(int ifid) const;
virtual int id(const QString& sfid) const;

virtual QFormat format(int ifid) const;
virtual QFormat format(const QString& sfid) const;

public slots:
virtual void setFormat(const QString& fid, const QFormat& fmt);

QString m_settings;

QVector<QString> m_formatKeys;
QVector<QFormat> m_formatValues;

The goal will be to use QAbstractFormatFactory in all QCodeEdit, but use QFormatFactory at the creation (for use in the application as now).
This permit to use a different storage of format settings (I have already my own storage, in a QSettings and method of QFormatFactory will be redirect in my configuration object).
It’s possible to subclass QFormatFactory with a empty string for the filename, but I don’t love this method.


  • fullmetalcoder

    fullmetalcoder - 2008-12-01

    Good point.

    However, im my opinion, moving loading/saving of formats settings to two virtual methods make more sense than creating yet another abstract class (besides, virtualizing this class would decrease performances as it is often queried during document drawing, probably not very noticeably but I do not want to lose speed without very good reasons).

  • Ulrich Van Den Hekke


    I think that this can be another good solution.

  • fullmetalcoder

    fullmetalcoder - 2008-12-04
    • milestone: --> Next Minor Release
  • fullmetalcoder

    fullmetalcoder - 2008-12-04

    Done in SVN (r755)

    Simply reimp the load() and save() method to benefit from it.

  • Ulrich Van Den Hekke

    • status: open --> closed
  • Ulrich Van Den Hekke

    • status: closed --> open
  • Ulrich Van Den Hekke


  • Ulrich Van Den Hekke

    • status: open --> closed

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