
#99 Various DDF function ideas, and other ideas.


*1.) armor resistance/ weakness variable (for other things too, like monsters)

it would be great if you can have armor weaknesses and resistances. for example, most standard bullet-proof vests provide excellent resistances against 9mm rounds,
while a ak47 would tear right through it.

currently, things have this variable. why doesn't it work on armor? who knows.

i would like to also change the variable a bit:


A is a standard bullet. it absorbs 70% of damage.

b is fire. since it is at a -% it damages the armor at
a faster rate.

c is... something. its actually strengthens the armor, or gives it armor untill its armor limit is achieved.

2.) hexen\heretic basic compatibility.
this would be nice and add a whole new playing field toedge, allowing people to edit these games withought -going through the horribly complicated acs and decorate code, and give some nifty new features such as:

*-choosable player class

-floating stuff

*-possibly inheritance?(does edge have that already?)

-a ddf resource for others to look and copy the wonderful features converted to ddf, namely the korax

-class specific pickups,monsters, or even levels?

on some of these im going out on a limb, but bringing
one of the best doom engine puzzle games to edge will certainly bring a few more people to it, ot at least cause a few double takes.

3.)advanced reload check

in my mod, i have an m60. m60s are belt fed, which brings to wonder why theres a whole belt left when you have only one bullet left? and thats where check_ammo(#) comes into play. it checks how much you have in your clip and then you can skip accordingly.

so, either you can use in conjunction with jump:


or it can go to the nearest jump frame.


also, for monsters...
if the monsters health get below a certain # or %, it can skip to certain frames, namely gore frames ala korax heritage!

4.) a list of palette change variables the game will take!


5.) characteristics via flags\specials

all or most of the variables will be optional to add more options to the modder.

*aggressive, attacks unprovoked, set probability chance
for how often it uses its range attack when attacking.)

passive, attacks only if provoked, until its attacker is dead. set a probability chance for whether or not it will attack after its pain state cycle is complete.

cowardly, runs from player, and or aggressor who attacks it. set a probability chance for whether it will attack after its pain chance.,or to enter a different state, cowardly:jump(beserk:75%)

*beserk, used in conjunction with cowardly,or passive,
will cancel out either flag and kill its attacker. gives a (speed %) boost,
and a (strength %) boost,
and a (painchance %) variable, to change its attack behavior until the victim id dead.
also a (resistance,a=50%) variable, and ends as soon as
the attacker is dead. o and a flag set probability chance as well, for when after the state should end, it
gives a flag.


insanity: used in conjunction with a beserk flag,
it continues to go on a rampage and kill everything around it until all targets are dead or it is killed.

alert: gives two characteristics.
1.) will attack any monster/player who caused an infight
(say you shoot your dog and it attacks you, the second dog will kill you.)
when in its chase state, or can see it in their field of vision. can set a variable to eliminate attacking enemies in an infight, or freindlies.
2.)heightened awareness around them, ie ,how close you can get before they realize your there. percentage to
make the fov around them larger or smaller if you wish,
200% being 100+100, 50% 100-50.


play dead: causes the monster to enter a fake death state. set health values, min to max, in percentage or number, and the probability.


heal: for missiles. turns a missiles min to max damage into min to max healing

*Medic, how often monster will heal freindlies, entering the heal_other state. enter probability chance to set how often he does that in his chase state or idle state. also a heal_self flag, same principle.


melee, how often it will do a melee attack when up close. set probability chance for how often.

powerup: when monster powers itself up. similar to beserk, only there is no target, it lasts untill its fuse time is up, and it can heal or increase health max, or give itself a pre defined powerup (invuln sphere.)

powerup_other. same as above, but for others. similar to heal

defend: for a monster with a shield. define resistances, and how often the monster defends after painchance

off the wall\ not used much...

defecate, monster will enter the chase state untill it finds a good spot and is finished... playing firefighter. set probability chance on how often it
will defecate after its idle state finishes its cycle,
and how often it will actually defecate after the chase cycles end. and a fuse, for how long it takes for it to check whether to poo or not. also it goes back to where it was before, if possible. hello pinky... go over there..

so... defecate(idle:0.5%,chase:50%)

suicidal, monster may kill itself under a certain condition, most resonably health. min and max health, and then probability chance that he will kill himself after a successful cycle of the pain frame or chase frame.


6.) new states

more states. those being...

heal: the frames the monster goes into while it is being healed.

heal_other: the frames the monster goes into to heal other monsters.

*3rd,4th,and 5th attacks. other optional attack states you can go into. example...

punch: punch, kick, grapple, knife, throw knife.

1.) punch comboes
2.) kick comboes
3.) grapple (defined later)
4.) slash with knife
5.) throw a knife

mp5: single, burst, full auto, kick,grenade

m4: single, full auto, grenade, rifle butt.

you get the picture. also for monsters.

suicide: you know...




7. new actions.

grapple: pulls the nearest monster to you, that has the same mass as you or less, ie the monster has his back turned to you and you hold him in place, or make him move where you want to. define distance to do so, otherwise itll be star wars... actually i would really like to see a star wars mod for edge. it would also be cool if you can make missiles stick to the walls and pull you towards them for the amount of time specified. like a rapell wire.

8.) other

most of these wont work with mods, unless you code them
in manually, but for people who want to play regular doom...

*-a option for bullets not to draw blood. not in the menu, but for the actual shot to not draw blood.

-a option for blood to randomise in color, ie a continuous palette change for the blood until it disappears. namely as a special or flag, but it would be nice in the menu. perfect dark and 007 goldeneye does this.

-a extra gore option in the menu, which spawns extra gore from a exploded corpse ala nash's gore mod, blood, quake, or any other good fps you can think of. or mabey a gore setting ala rott (rise of the triad)

*-a more intricate extra blood option ala rott (see above). allows you to choose how much extra blood is spawned.

-a option to change blood to a certain color in menu, ie a universal palette change so that 7-year-old-mike can play a game thinking that theyre all aliens, since the blood is green. for the dropped blood and the death frames with blood.

*-a no_extreme_death flag for missiles or things/ monsters, in case you dont want things to gib. im making a mod where all bullets are missiles, so it would be much appreciated. as a flag and possibly as a menu option, for child guard stuff.

-a crosshair color changer and size changer option for
customization (and possibly a few more crosshairs?)

that the gravity changes take affect immediatly, instead of having to restart a game.

-a custom difficulty setting ala 007 goldeneye.
allows you to toy with sliders such as

health -0---------100---------200--------on+
damage -0---------100---------200--------on+
damage taken -0---------100---------200--------on+
aggressivness %-100----0-----100------200%
speed -0---------100---------200--------on+
sight radius (see alertness under characteristics) -0---------100---------200--------on+
and all the above for freindlies.

*- amount of ammo a monster has, so that monsters cant just keep reloading and have to come after you with a knife.

*- a variable for ammo that allows for magazine-based
stuff. my idea:



what does the MAG variable mean? or the ammotype?
it means that in the bullets ammo slot, upon pickup, you receive one magazine in the bullet ammo slot.
what does that mean? all weapons with ammotype=bullets use bullet MAGAZINES instead of just bullets, to reload.
so if you have half a clip, and you reload, you dont magically regain the bullets from your dropped mag.
pistol clip would mean that all bullet weapons get reloaded from that one clip, even if its a tommy gun, and you picked up a pistol clip, unless you assign your tommy guns' ammo type to tommy_gun_clip, or ammo 16 or whatever.

-16 more ammo types. i know its rediculous, but if in the event the mag system (which would be sweet) is made possible, you may need to have a lot of guns. and i plan to keep bullets and stuff in the game so you can
make more magazines, like in real life, when you have a bunch of empty mags and bullets in your backpack (i know from the shooting range, not nam or something)

*-giving attack classes to your shots (i think its possible, but not quite sure)

-poison damage ala hexen

-fire damage (causes rapid health loss and ends in a flamedeath if there is one specified)

-freeze death (pain screen goes light blue, ends in freeze death if one is specified

thats all i can really think of for now, but all of those things would be cool. the ones with a * by them are top priority. so thanks for reading this, and you are the man if you make some of these come to life.
and thanks for picking up edge, the best doom editing engine ever!


  • Andrew Apted

    Andrew Apted - 2007-08-02

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Hey lots of ideas there (probably too much,
    but no sweat).

    Floating items can already by done. Firstly
    make sure the sprite offsets place it above
    the ground. Second, use the HOVER special.

    The "defecate" part is, um, interesting. I
    reckon you could do with standard DDF, either
    with random jumps or the monster RELOAD stuff.

    The check_ammo() action for weapons is a good
    idea, wish I'd thought of that earlier.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Perhaps you could try and get into computer programming and try to make a sourceport yourself. Do you actually think they'll read through you gigantic list? I mean, i think they got plenty of buglists and other requests already. I would suggest that you try to keep it as short and simple as possible.


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