
Undefined Reference - Lua_PushInteger

xxo user
  • xxo user

    xxo user - 2008-11-15

    I want to compile edge, glbsp and Lua from scratch.
    Compiling Glbsp is succesful after adding the glbsp source package to edge source tree.

    The latest problem is "undefined reference" Lua_PushInteger
    and other variables with Lua_..... prefix.

    I read using readelf that Lua_PushInteger is included in /usr/lib/

    I had compile lua with c++, instead of gcc.

    How to compile edge with lua source code?

    Where to install lua source package from tarball?

    Is there any FAQ / HOWTO to compile edge?

    Is there any edge source code package that include both glbsp and lua source code?

    Is there any src.rpm package for Fedora / Mandriva / SuSE?

    Thank you.

    • xxo user

      xxo user - 2008-11-16

      My way to solve glbsp problem by putting glbsp source code inside edge source tree.

      1. I downloaded the edge CVS and put it on
      2. I downloaded glbsp source code in tar.gz format.
      3. Move the source code to:
      4. Change to current subdirectory.
      cd ~/edge/trunk/edge
      5. Untar the glbsp source code:
      tar -zxf glbsp*
      6,. Move the glbsp-..... sub directory to glbsp
      mv glbsp* glbsp
      7. Back to edge main directory:
      cd ~/edge
      8. Compile with scons.

      Is this idea correct?

      My way to solve Lua problems:
      The present lua source code Makefile use gcc, not g++ and only create static library, not shared library.

      See the following discussion:

      I had created 2 makefiles for creating LUA shared library with G++ at /usr/lib directory.

      I can build Edge using the above makefiles.

      There is a small modification on SConstruct script at edge source code main directory about the location of libraries.

      Make sure the script mention "/usr/lib/liblua.a" for static library.

      For shared library you can use -llua and run the following command:

      "ldconfig -v | grep lua"

      Thank you

    • Andrew Apted

      Andrew Apted - 2008-11-16

      The source code package is in the "EDGE Source Code"
      section and is called Edge-1.31-source.tar.bz2

      It contains both glbsp and Lua source code.
      The Lua source is in win32_lib/ directory and you
      should move it to the linux_lib/ directory.
      The other libs in win32_lib/ are not needed for Linux
      (unless you want to link them statically).

      Yes Lua must be compiled with C++ compiler.
      The INSTALL document in the 1.31 source package
      contains more information on compiling EDGE.

      As far as I know there is no RPM or DEB packages
      for EDGE.

      Hope that helps!


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