Alhazred - 2007-03-18

I have a more extensive vision though. How about a way to INTEGRATE with wikis? The plugin has SOME of the interesting features, and it works well as far as it goes. But what I'd really like to be able to do is go further and be able to bring my Intranet TWiki INTO Eclipse. Things like the ability to inline source code, etc are obviously functions you would want to have when doing that, but I don't really want to so much convert my TWiki markup into HTML as be able to deploy it onto an existing TWiki AS markup (though at least as HTML that is still possible, but wiki markup would be nicer).

Surely someone has built functionality for various plugins to allow deployment of files via ssh etc? I can do it with external builders easily enough, but then I also would want it to be more seamless... Like for example the ability to follow links, select where in the wiki to upload stuff to, have integrated progress, metrics, trouble reports, etc. Things like the ability to UPDATE a TWiki topic containing Javadoc that might say be annotated already, link to bug reports. Etc. As this is at now it seems too 'batch oriented'.

The ultimate goal is really to overcome the 'impedence'  between what you have at your fingertips within Eclipse, and what you have to haul off and browse around in your web browser to do on the group collaboration wiki site. The borderline between the two needs to be less. Then developers don't have to be dogged every day to get them to get their stuff onto the wiki, and they might not do silly things like ignore all the existing stuff that's there that can help them get a task done...