
Eclipse SQL Explorer [RCP/Plugin] / News: Recent posts

SQL Explorer 3.6.1 SR6 released

This service release contains some minor fixes and changes. In detail:
* Added new detail tabs for informix (Online Log, Configuration, Database Information)
* Fixed NPE in export to XLS

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2012-07-08

SQL Explorer 3.6.1 SR5 relased

This service release contains some minor fixes and changes. In detail:
* Fixed tab delimiter in CSV export
* CSV export: added support for date formatting according to preferences page during export to csv
* Fixed truncation of CLOB data caused by getString()
* Added new Results preference to define max length of CLOB data to read, default is 10,000 characters
* Added new Results preference to define character set to use for displaying BLOB data, default is using system character set
* Added logging of all exceptions to detect suspicious NPE on query execution

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2012-04-12

SQL Explorer 3.6.1 SR4 relased

This service release contains some minor fixes and changes. In detail:
* DB2: Added sequence node, fixed procedures, triggers and explain plan (works now for DB2 v9.1 and above)
* Added explain plan for informix

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2011-09-06

SQL Explorer 3.6.1 SR3 relased

This service release contains some minor fixes and changes.In detail:
* Added a new configuration option to close unused connections after X seconds
* Fixed problem with MySql connections after calling 'use database' command. Such connections didn't switched back to original database when returned to connection pool.

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2011-07-28

SQL Explorer 3.6.1 SR2 relased

This service release contains some minor fixes and changes.In detail:
* Updated default drivers xml (added CUBRID, removed outdated drivers).
* New Extensions to informix plugin
* Added preference page 'History'
* New preference to limit SQL history entries.
* New preference to auto save SQL history after a number of statement executions
* fixed User.hashCode:

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2011-05-28

SQL Explorer 3.6.1 SR1 relased

This service release contains some minor fixes and changes.In detail:
* Added informix plugin, thanks to Vladimir(vladsrynty)
* Check for print statements reworked (sybase/mssql), see
* If you cancel a long running query in the progress view a statement.cancel is called to try to realy cancel the statement
* Sorting in result tables now uses correct data type (for instance: numeric values sorted in numeric order)
* If the same statement is executed on different connections it will be listed as separate lines in the SQL-History view now

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2011-01-08

SQL Explorer 3.6.1 released

This main release contains only minor changes. Main reason to this release was to deliver RCP standalone distributions based on Eclipse Helios (3.6.1). With 3.6 comes support for new OS's like macos 64 bit. Nevertheless the SQLExplorer plugin is compatible with Eclipse 3.3.
For mor details see the release info.

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2010-11-17

SQL Explorer 3.5.1 SR4 released

Changes in SR4:
* some bugfixes in
- Insert Table/Viewname without schema, if the schema and a dot are the content before the caret and the schema is part of the tablename.
- Show system tables and system views in the content assistant
- Prevent multiple entries
* feature #2957965, add context menu to db detail tables, see
* fixed Save As Bug,
* fixed: menu contributions for SQL-Commands would be displayed in other editors
* fixed: Index out of Bounds exception on calling Execute SQL-Chunk with statement ending at end of file
* fixed default column width for result tables
* fixed NPE in catalog switcher
* fixed: out of range error when retrieving unsigned columns
* show warnings only once
* fixed: XLS export fails with more than 32767 rows
* fixed About Dialog:
* made jar locations in SQLDrivers.xml relative to workspace or eclipse home directory... read more

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2010-07-31

SQL Explorer 3.5.1 SR3 released

Changes in SR3:
* fixed IndexOutOfBoundsException in execute SQL chunk
* added Patch #2924692 by ashinger, fixed some problems in JDBC driver preferences
* used commands for SQL actions, new context menu entries and editor tool bar buttons
* cleanup deprecations for preferences

Starting with SR1 we will provide zip's only for the plugin. The standalone distributions
can be updated using the update site ( integrated Update Manager.
- open menu: Help/Software Updates/Find and Install...
- choose: Serach for updates of the ....
- click Finish
- complete the Update Wizzard

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2010-01-31

SQL Explorer 3.5.1 SR2 released

Changes in SR2:
* added patch from patl9 fixing problems with alias saving,
* select complete row in result set table
* fixed ClasCastException for PostgreSQL and Oracle if strip comments is enabled
* added check for lines starting with \ in PostgreSQL
* added batch execution results

Starting with SR1 we will provide zip's only for the plugin. The standalone distributions
can be updated using the update site ( integrated Update Manager.
- open menu: Help/Software Updates/Find and Install...
- choose: Serach for updates of the ....
- click Finish
- complete the Update Wizzard

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2009-11-29

SQL Explorer 3.5.1 SR1 released

Changes in Service Release 1 (SR1):
* use getDate for DATE sql type, needed for Teradata, no problems detected with MySql/msSql/Postgres
* added option to strip comments before executing SQL

Starting with SR1 we will provide zip's only for the plugin. The standalone distributions
can be updated using the update site ( integrated Update Manager.
- open menu: Help/Software Updates/Find and Install...
- choose: Serach for updates of the ....
- click Finish
- complete the Update Wizzard

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2009-10-28

SQLExplorer v3.5.1 released

The team is pleased to announce that we have released version 3.5.1 of SQLExplorer;
there is a lot of work which has gone into finalising the code to get us to this point.
Since 3.5.0-RC8, there have been some minor feature additions - the focus has been on fixing bugs or annoyances.
Please report any bugs to the Beta Testing forum, or submit on the Bugs Tracker;
new feature requests should go into the Feature Requests Tracker.
For really, really minor tweaks (i.e. feature requests) please go ahead and post in the Beta Testing forum but we reserve the right to ask you to repost them in the Feature Request Tracker if the request too complex to just slip in.
The main changes since RC8 are:
* New 'Execute Current SQL' action (CTRL+ALT+ENTER) and changeable key binding (patch #2725105 by joco01)
* Fixed bug #2827324, rounded float values in MS-Sql
* Added feature #2827391, problem with auto completion
* fixed bug #2830545, fill db structure view for current database
* Extended database(catalog) support for MySql,Sybase, MS-Sql
* Changed 'File' menu for standalone SE: Added 'New', moved 'Preferences' menu item down
* Re-added export to HTML and XLS action; XLS is now 'real' Excel format build with POI
The SQLExplorer Developer Community

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2009-10-18

SQLExplorer v3.5.0 Release Candidate 8 Now Available

The team is pleased to announce that we have released Release Candidate 8 of SQLExplorer;
there is a lot of work which has gone into finalising the code to get us to this point.
Since RC7, there have been only some minor feature additions - the focus has been on fixing bugs or annoyances.
Please report any bugs to the Beta Testing forum, or submit on the Bugs Tracker;
new feature requests should go into the Feature Requests Tracker.
For really, really minor tweaks (i.e. feature requests) please go ahead and post in the Beta Testing forum but we reserve the right to ask you to repost them in the Feature Request Tracker if the request too complex to just slip in.
The main changes since RC7 are:
* New preferences to setup column sorting and display of SQL warning messages
* New action to generate insert statement
* Added Apache Derby plugin
* New server root node in db structure view
* Various bug fixes and minor tweaks/additions Regards,
The SQLExplorer Developer Community

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2009-04-19

SQLExplorer v3.5.0 Release Candidate 7 Now Available

The team is pleased to announce that we have released Release Candidate 7 of SQLExplorer; there is a lot of work which has gone into finalising the code to get us to this point.

Since RC5, there have been only some minor feature additions - the focus has been on fixing bugs or annoyances.

Please report any bugs to the Beta Testing forum, or submit on the Bugs Tracker; new feature requests should go into the Feature Requests Tracker. For really, really minor tweaks (i.e. feature requests) please go ahead and post in the Beta Testing forum but we reserve the right to ask you to repost them in the Feature Request Tracker if the request too complex to just slip in. ... read more

Posted by Heiko Hilbert 2009-02-28

SQLExplorer v3.5.0 Release Candidate 5 Now Available

The team is pleased to announce that we have today released Release Candidate 5 of SQLExplorer; there is a lot of work which has gone into finalising the code to get us to this point and we hope that this will be the final release candidate.

Since RC1, there have been no major feature additions - the focus has been on polishing the user experience and fixing bugs or annoyances.

Please report any bugs to the Beta Testing forum, or submit on the Bugs Tracker; new feature requests should go into the Feature Requests Tracker. For really, really minor tweaks (i.e. feature requests) please go ahead and post in the Beta Testing forum but we reserve the right to ask you to repost them in the Feature Request Tracker if the request too complex to just slip in.... read more

Posted by John Spackman 2007-11-08

SQLExplorer v3.5.0 Release Candidate 1 Now Available

SQLExplorer v3.5.0 RC1 is now available for download; while you should find this release pretty stable please bear in mind that it is still pre-production and you may come across problems. We're concentrating on testing and bug fixing from now until the final release of 3.5.0.

The main changes since v3.0.0 are:

* The separate SqlResultsView has been removed and the query results are now part of the editor that executed them (they appear as tabs in the bottom part of the editor view) ... read more

Posted by John Spackman 2007-10-16

Beta testers wanted !

John (spackers) has released a new beta version: 3.5.0 Beta 1 and is asking for some help to test this new version. Details about this beta release can be found here:

The files can be downloaded here:

Results from beta testing can be discussed in the new Beta Testing forum:

Posted by Wouter Vernaillen 2007-08-29 domain launched

The SQL Explorer website is now available at

Posted by Wouter Vernaillen 2006-11-02

Eclipse SQL Explorer 3.0.0 released

Eclipse SQL Explorer 3.0.0. has been released as an eclipse plugin and RCP client.

Posted by Davy Vanherbergen 2006-08-29

Eclipse SQL Explorer Website Launched

It's been due for a long time and now it's finally here: Eclipse SQL Explorer has a proper homepage.

Posted by Davy Vanherbergen 2006-08-29

SQLExporer 3.0.0 RCP Preview Released

A preview is available for the newest release of SQL Explorer. This preview is runs on windows and doesn't contain any database specific extensions.
There's lot's of new stuff, so check it out..

Posted by Davy Vanherbergen 2006-07-01

SQLExporer 2.2.4 released

This new version of SQLExplorer plugin now works with Eclipse 3.1 final release.

Please report any problems you may find.

Note: now SQLexplorer is dependend of GEF ( and you must have it installed.

Posted by Alexandre Luti Telles 2005-07-04

SQLExplorer 2.2.3 released

SQLExplorer 2.2.3 is now available to download.

This version is now packed with extensions for Oracle, MS-SQL, Sybase and Hibernate.

Posted by Alexandre Luti Telles 2005-03-28

SQLExplorer on CVS

SQLExplorer is now accessible from CVS!

For now there is only the core code on CVS, but over the next few days the extensions will be available too.

I expect to have the update site with a complete version of the plugin (with all the extensions) ready next week.

Posted by Alexandre Luti Telles 2005-03-08