
Problems opening perspective

  • Romain

    Romain - 2012-10-05


    I use Eclipse helios, java 6 and I have zero experience with haskell.

    I installed the addin EclipseFP and restarted eclispe but when I try to open the haskell perspective I get:
    "Problems open perspective net.sf.eclipsefp.haskell.ui.HaskellPerspective".

    I tried to install the Haskell Platform but it didn't help.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • JP Moresmau

    JP Moresmau - 2012-10-05

    Check the error log: Window menu -> Show View -> Other… -> General -> Error Log. You should see the error in there along with a stack trace, post it here. A priori nothing to do with Haskell itself, if we can't find haskell tools we will "politely" say so, probably more a Eclipse problem (dependencies, etc).

  • Romain

    Romain - 2012-10-05

    Thank you for your reply.

    The error log had a lot of errors, not all related to eclipseFP, so I decided to switch to Juno.

    Now I have managed to get the haskell perspective to open, but I'm a little worried about error messages that showed in the console during the install:

    Compiling Data.Conduit.Text ( Data\Conduit\Text.hs, dist\build\Data\Conduit\Text.o )
    Compiling Data.Conduit.Lazy ( Data\Conduit\Lazy.hs, dist\build\Data\Conduit\Lazy.o )
    Registering conduit-…
    Installing library in C:\Program Files (x86)\Haskell\conduit-\ghc-7.4.1
    Registering conduit-…
    Downloading persistent-…
    cabal.exe: Error: some packages failed to install:
    persistent- failed while downloading the package. The exception was:
    <socket: 592>: hGetBufSome: failed (Unknown error)
    persistent-sqlite-1.0.0 depends on persistent- which failed to install.
    persistent-template- depends on persistent- which failed to
    scion-browser-0.2.10 depends on persistent- which failed to install.

    Anything serious?


  • JP Moresmau

    JP Moresmau - 2012-10-05

    Er… Not much I can do. You seem to have a problem installing persistent, but it seems to be a network error. Try again, and pray… Hopefully it's just something was wrong with hackage or your network connection was weak in the knees and a second attempt would work better…

  • Romain

    Romain - 2012-10-05

    My connection is indeed weak in the knees. I'll try again then.

    Thanks again.


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