
#358 Endless loop when adding all checks to a configuration


I've defined a new configuration and want to initially add all checks. I forgot to unselect "Open module editor(s) on add action", now for each configuration a window pops up. Since the OK button is default, I can easily go through them all by pressing ad holding the enter key. But I am obviously stuck in an endless loop since I have pressed the key now for minutes and thousands of configuration windows have already poped up and closed again.


  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    Nice one, though not really an endless loop :-)

    I could reproduce the behaviour, however. The problem is that after the last dialog closing the focus is on the Add-> button again so the next press on return add them all over again.
    So when just holding the return button pressed you'd basically fly by that point and trigger the next round of addings...

    I'll see about moving the focus away from the Add-> button once the dialog closes, probably the module tree itself would be a more appropriate focus target.

  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    Ok, shifting the focus to the tree is easy enough and makes actually sense from a keyboard navigation perspective.
    However, while this solves the "endless loop", in your particular scenario ("return button spree") it will only lead to the configuration dialog and the Eclipse preferences dialog closing (with OK) since the OK button is the SWT dialog default button.

    I guess that's an acceptable concession for this particularly special use case ;-).

    Committed to CVS, will be in 3.6.2 version.

  • Lars Koedderitzsch

    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Lars Koedderitzsch
  • Sebastian Dietrich

    wow - that was fast...
    thanks :-)


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