
Download halts

  • Tony

    Tony - 2009-09-15

    I am using EchoVNC (2.35) on a windows 2003 server machine. Last month I discovered a virus on the machine.

    Cleaned the machine and found that the BITS service for Windows Update wasn’t working anymore.

    Found a repair tool that fixed it.

    But the thing that doesn’t work anymore is the download option in the EchoVNC viewer. Sometimes the download starts and gets stuck at a few percent. But most of the times it doesn’t start at all and gets stuck (just an empty progress bar). What Windows component does this download use? If I know that I can see if that’s functioning.

  • dirk

    dirk - 2009-09-15

    Hi, was this your repare tool?

  • Tony

    Tony - 2009-09-15

    Ha Dirk,
    I downloaded the bitsadmin tool. I think it was part of a wider Microsoft Windows Utility Toolkit. It's only commandline. I used bitsadmin /util /repairservice /force and it worked again.
    After donwloading the Windows updates and restarting the machine even the EchoVNC downloaded fine again.
    I immediately installed a good anti virus program….


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