
Is this project still alive?

Jon Skeet
  • Jon Skeet

    Jon Skeet - 2005-03-23

    It's very quiet here, given how nice the project seems to be now I've got it installed and working.

    Is this project still under active development at all? For instance, even the CVS version still uses NUnit 2.1.4 which is rather out of date - and being able to only directly download the binary version of the latest release is pretty nasty.

    It would be helpful if the docs which are in CVS were more readily available, too.

    I passed over this project at work today due to not seeing any signs of activity or documentation. Now I've downloaded it at home, it seems to work very nicely - especially as we're using the Java version of EasyMock for the Java parts of our project.

    I'm slightly reluctant to use a project which appears to be  abandoned, however - which is a real shame, given that it seems to work well. Any idea why there aren't articles about this on MSDN and CodeProject like there are for other mock object libraries?

    Just some thoughts...

    • Jon Skeet

      Jon Skeet - 2005-04-11

      Brief update: I'm now a developer on the project, presumably thanks to Marco who got in touch with me.

      It may take a little while to work out where we're going etc, but hopefully things will get moving a bit more soon :)


      • Drew Burlingame

        Drew Burlingame - 2006-10-30

        When we checked earlier in the year, we were told the project was dead and have since moved to RhinoMock which has been a great mocking framework.  It's easily extensible, and the developer has been really responsive.  Additionally, he's done a great job at implementing a fluent api, which has made learning RhinoMock easy and tests are easy to read.

    • Jakoby

      Jakoby - 2005-10-27

      How is the work progressing? Are there plans of any new releases of EasyMock?


      • Jon Skeet

        Jon Skeet - 2005-10-27

        Good question.

        At work we're using the code I've currently got but *haven't* put into CVS. It's backwardly incompatible, but has a whole bunch of new features. My current probable plan (when I get time) is:

        1) Do a release of what's in CVS, which fixes a few problems.
        2) Create a separate branch in CVS, check in my code, and release that separately, noting in bold letters that it's incompatible (in easy to fix ways) with previous versions.
        3) Create a new SF project (probable name: PowerMock) which uses the experience I've gained from EasyMock.NET but starts from scratch. There are numerous disadvantages continuing with the current EasyMock.NET code.

        The more I use EasyMock.NET, the more I'm convinced that mocking is a great thing, but at the moment it's just too hard - specifically with regards to matching. EasyMock 2 (the Java version) looks very promising, and I'm going to try to see which of those ideas can easily be ported into PowerMock. I'm hoping it'll be a "best of breed" framework.

        No current dates for any of this...

        If anyone wants an early copy of what I've got before I get round to a release, let me know...


    • Alexey

      Alexey - 2006-10-30

      Are there any plans to create EasyMock.NET 2.0 or something like that ? With new functionality and features ?

      • Jon Skeet

        Jon Skeet - 2006-10-30

        I think I'm the last one to have actively worked on the source, and I have no plans to release a 2.0. I've got a lot of changes which work but probably aren't really in a fit state to release at the moment.

        As another poster has mentioned, RhinoMocks looks like it's a fitting replacement for EasyMock.



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