
EasyConf / News: Recent posts

EasyConf moves to Subversion

Sourceforge just released a new Subversion service and a migration tool from the CVS Service. I had been waiting this for a long time so I decided to give it a try and... It worked! From now on you can get the source code for EasyConf from:

Posted by Jorge Ferrer 2006-02-26

EasyConf 0.9 released

With this release EasyConf can be consider not only a stable but also a mature product which covers all the common configuration needs of a Java application.

It is still easy to use but also provides advanced features such as JMX support, property selectors, dynamic variables and file reloading that would be costly to implement in a self-made solution. Give it a try!

Posted by Jorge Ferrer 2005-06-28

EasyConf is released with the Apache licence

EasyConf has been released as free/open source software and its development team is in the process of uploading its sources and documents to Sourceforge

Posted by Jorge Ferrer 2005-02-15