
#26 database

#database (1)

Tool to be able to merge 3D models database ! (I spent 1H to merge them ...)
Tool for database category management (I created mine and had to check and modify database with the last version


  • Mariusz

    Mariusz - 2015-05-20
    • ashofphoenix

      ashofphoenix - 2015-05-20

      👌 ok !

  • Mariusz

    Mariusz - 2015-06-08
  • Jim M

    Jim M - 2015-06-09

    Will the new database import / merge function allow databases for 1 PCB type to be imported for use with another PCB type? for example:
    I have a very complete database for Eagle PCB import and would like to be able to use the same model allocations when I import from a hyperlynx file, without having to allocate all the models again.
    This could also be useful where Eagle libraries have been imported to Kicad.
    Many thanks

    • Mariusz

      Mariusz - 2015-06-17
  • Mariusz

    Mariusz - 2015-06-10

    no. This kind of option will be no available in import window.

    I will add separately function to convert entries from one software to another - but please remember that each software uses different models names. I will try to find some solution for this.

  • Jim M

    Jim M - 2015-06-11

    Hello Mariusz,
    Thanks for your reply and consideration of the new "copy model allocations to new software" function.

    I think there are 3 cases where it is likely that each software will use the same name for many of the footprints, and make this a useful function.

    (1) When Eagle PCB is used to export a hyperlynx file.

    (2) When the libraries have been exported from one software to another, for example there are converter ulps that will allow kicad to import Eagle libraries.

    (3) Where a professional PCB layout engineer has generated their own footprint libraries, and adhered to the IPC-7351B footprint naming conventions. I think this will be an uncommon situation, as I guess most Eagle & Kicad users will use the stock libraries.

    To follow are my initial suggestions of how this function may be implemented as a three stage process:

    (1) On opening a new board, make the automatic model allocations from the database as usual. This will deal with models that have already been allocated in the database.

    (2) From a new menu item / button dialogue: automatically allocate models to the new software type, where the PCB footprint name is identical to one in the source software type. The source software type should be selectable. This acts upon the whole imported board.

    (3) From the right click menu that is used to assign & position selected components, another option "search for footprint in database", will suggest, ranked, possible model allocations where there is a close similarity between the names of footprints in the current software type and that of the source type.

    Possibly this could be achieved by splitting the footprint name into the longest alpha and longest numeric strings found within the footprint name. Special characters such as -_ ./#~ should be ignored & treated as string separators.

    Possible hits could be ranked in order with some rules like:

    (1) Contains the identical complete name.
    (2) Contains the alpha & numeric string in the order of the original name.
    (3) Contains the first letter of the alpha string and the numeric string in the original order.
    (4) Contain both the alpha and the numeric string in any order.
    (5) Contain the first letter of the alpha string and the numeric string in any order.
    (6) Contains one of the strings.

    This should be able to cope with many of permutations an 0805 resistor footprint may be named! ( R-0805 R0805 RES-0805 RESISTOR_0805)

    I look forward to seeing how you implement this and the other new functions.

    Many thanks & best regards

    • Mariusz

      Mariusz - 2015-06-17

      I will add this option in version 3.8.



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