vektoralian - 2023-10-12

Here is my opinion about Eagle Mode , one of the coolest programs around.

As a KDE user, Dolphin is the best file manager I have ever used. If Eaglemode could be married to Dolphin we would be living in the future of file access. ---------------------- Right click context menus, file associations, plugins out the wazoo, easily configurable toolbars, global themes and overall consistency would nearly be heaven. ---------------------- I realize such a constrained endeavour can be very limited, but Oliver has done a wonderful job showing what is possible. Thank you very much. ---------------------- I am not a developer so my viewpoint is limited to my ability to grasp many new concepts. My rating scale will probably change as time goes by, I hope. ---------------------- I rated a 3 for Ease because KDE does not use the same programs that Eaglemode expects to see. I learned how to change that. Yay. Also new aproaches to viewing objects always involves a personal learning curve. ---------------------- Features got a 4 because I like KDE which has max features. If I could just copy all the features from Dolphin over to Eaglemode I would more than likely explode from sheer joy. ---------------------- Design received a 4 due to my perceived lack of continuity between the various elements of the gui. The toolbar sections each require different aspects and not all aspects are easily changed. A global theme would be beautiful. Many visual parts seem overly complex. Simple is to me better and easier. ---------------------- Finally Support only was worth a three which is in my opinion due to the constrained support of the developer. After all, Oliver is only human with a personal life and many responsibilities if he is like most of us. ---------------------- I would love to see many more people jump on the bandwagon to support Eaglemode. It is a worthwile piece of software which I feel has a big future in the computing industry, if only with a little help from friends. ---------------------- Thanks again, Oliver. ---------------------- Vic