
ZUI for non-tree-like structures

  • MNTC

    MNTC - 2020-09-04

    Common use of ZUI in tree-like structures is evident and intuitive. But how could it be applied to structures where children element can belong to several parent elements: like genealogical tree, or product breakdown tree, or users/groups tree?

    In common ZUI we can choose where to zoom in, but we have only one wayt o zoom out. In non-tree ZUI we have to point somehow where to zoom out.

    We have also to see where to it is possible to zoom out from here, i.e. to which parents does the item belong. Can it be so easy to show hundred oif parents as it is easy to show hundreds of children? How can it look?

    One raw idea is to split block displaying item on three parts - block of parents, block of item itself, block of children. This loss intuitivity a bit (if there can be any intuitivity in non-tree structures at all).

    Another idea is displaying number of parents and scrolling through them with something like "shift+middle roll" with instant change of displayed context around item under consideration.

    Or - may be most conservative idea - opening context selector when hovering or clicking on item to switch to another ZUI context here (showing this item inside other parent item).

  • R Shupe

    R Shupe - 2021-12-24

    I think Obsidian MD tool is approaching this interestingly with backlinks -> graph representation. It is an interesting notion for ZUI... EM does resolve symlinks so that's one way to organize a non-heirarchical path yeah?


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