
OpenStreet Map Plugin

  • bypper

    bypper - 2020-03-24

    What about the plugin?
    I've seen the video, it's amazing!
    Can I install it somehow?

    Best Regards,

  • Oliver Hamann

    Oliver Hamann - 2020-03-27

    the Plugin needs some work before I want to release it. I did not maintain it for many years. It is no longer functioning with most of the tile servers. Maybe I will find the time and include it in one of the next Eagle Mode releases.

  • Tony

    Tony - 2020-08-22

    Which are the best tutorials for developing eagle mode plugins for beginners? Possibly examples which can use external tools (linux commands) as well.

    Mainly I would like to be able to set some image as background of a directory if it has same name as the directory.

    Example 1:
    directory_name.jpg/png/svg (in same directory)

    then the image should be automatically shown as the background of that directory, in same form as it shows the images. Especially with svg variants this could be very powerful for organizing.

    Example 2:
    treemap view, rectangle sizes dependent on file size, colors dependent on file type, like in qdirstat.

    • Oliver Hamann

      Oliver Hamann - 2020-08-23

      Both examples would require to modify the emFileMan plugin and therein mainly the emDirPanel and emDirEntryPanel classes. It is not easy. The C++ API tutorial ( may be sufficient or not, I don't know. I any case you would need good C++ skills.

      I am dreaming of providing a simpler programming interface based on javascript or so. But currently I have no plan for that.


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