
A "back" button

  • Idris

    Idris - 2009-07-11

    I'm using eaglemode to re-organise a large archive of files. It's awesome being able to fly over a directory of files and see at a glance if there's anything there worth keeping, instead of the bazillions of mouse-clicks I'd have to do in nautilus or konqueror to achieve the same thing.

    However, navigation when moving files seems a little clumsy. I've created a bookmark for my new archive directory, so it's easy enough to get to the destination point once I've selected a bunch of files from the old archive. However, once I've moved those files I'll then want to go back to where I was, so I can continue searching through for the next bunch of files to move.

    I could make another bookmark to keep track of where I was before I started the file-move operation, but making a bookmark is cumbersome and I'd only want to delete it again a few seconds later once I've moved on to the next part of the archive. Flying back and forth through 10 levels of directories is not really comfortable either.

    My feature suggestion is a "back" button, like you get in any file manager, to take you back to a view you have recently been to.


    • Lachu

      Lachu - 2009-07-11

      I have never used eagle's mode file manager. I think we should have smart narrow of file manager(file list). When user go to bottom narrow it should zoom out to show two item (current directory/folder and directory/folder on the bottom). It could be similar on the left, right, top narrow. It's hard to decide which directory should be displayed at bottom, right, top, left - thus. It's also good and intuitive(but hard to programme without big memory uses).

    • Oliver Hamann

      Oliver Hamann - 2009-07-12

      Why don't you work with two Eagle Mode windows? One on the source directory and one on the target directory.

      • Idris

        Idris - 2009-07-12

        Hi Oliver.

        Yes, that is good advice; I realised it myself shortly after posting ;-)

        I think a back button would still be desirable, but now that I'm browsing with two windows it's not so important to me.


        • MNTC

          MNTC - 2020-08-07

          I was thinking about assigning hotkeys to jump to often used directories, working in any EagleMode window.

  • Tony

    Tony - 2020-08-22

    You can jump to any directory my friend. Just use this.

    eaglemode -visit ::FS::$(echo $PWD|sed "s/\//::/g")


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