

  • bubak

    bubak - 2008-04-19

    Hi, i just downloaded the eagle mode (i keep saying eagle eye) and im "navigating" my first experience.  I must admit i have never seen such a thing.  Great work.  I'm not sure if it will make me be more productive, but the appearance and smooth navigation is unbelievable.

    * the zooming with the wheel is marvelous
    * the navigating within complex directory structure is great
    * plenty of handy functions within a reach
    * very original approach, it would be very interesting to see the reaction of someone, who has never seen a computer and a file manager/navigating tool.

    The only thing that comes to my mind now is: (1) easy way of definig custom commands on files (ie. open in GNU Emacs) and (2) possibility to copy the text file contents directly from preview

    Anyway, once again i must say -- a very original way of browsing a directory structure.

    Thanks, Martin.

    • Oliver Hamann

      Oliver Hamann - 2008-04-20

      > it would be very interesting to see the reaction
      > of someone, who has never seen a computer and a
      > file manager/navigating tool.

      It would be more interesting to see his reaction to a classic GUI after he has exclusively used a ZUI (zoomable user interface) for a long time. Wouldn't he also say something like:

      > I'm not sure if it will make me be more productive


      > easy way of defining custom commands on files

      Is it that you just did not see the "emFileMan Customization" document, or do you say it isn't easy enough?

      Thanks for trying Eagle Mode!

    • bubak

      bubak - 2008-04-20

      Ad productivity -- no comment :), but i really enjoy the browsing now, I'm looking forward for Monday, to show my colleagues :)

      Ad custom commands -- i did not read the whole manual by the time i wrote the message above.  Now i see its quite configurable using perl and the various function you have provided, that's fine.

      I added some commands (ie. open in emacsclient using the provided skeletons, it works fine), but in order for the command to appear, i needed to add it into the system wide location (/usr/local/eaglemode/etc/emFileMan/Commands).  Placing it to ${HOME}/.eaglemode/emFileMan/Commands/Custom had no effect (i created also the Custom group with copied properties for groups as found in system wide location).

      It seems that the menu is created only once by parsing the location ${EM_DIR}/etc/emFileName/Commands while the ${HOME}/.eaglemode/emFileMan/Commands (if created) is not taken into account?

      P.S. I never met anything like this before, now i see that ZUI is "terminus technicus".

      • Oliver Hamann

        Oliver Hamann - 2008-04-21

        Yes, ${HOME}/.eaglemode/emFileMan/Commands is not recognized (same for emCore/FpPlugins and emMain/VcItems). I gave this topic in my TODO list a higher priority now.

    • Draconishinobi

      Draconishinobi - 2008-04-27

      Wow, this is really awesome man. It's a brilliant idea. In fact this is probably the coolest program I've ever used.

      As for things to add, I wonder if it's possible to move the windows around. I mean everything right now is in a set place, kinda random-like, which is ok, but what if I wanted to move things around. Maybe I just didn't read the documentation closely enough.

      Anyway, thanks so much for thinking of it, making it, and releasing is as FLOSS. :)

      • Oliver Hamann

        Oliver Hamann - 2008-04-27

        Nice that you like Eagle Mode!

        Concerning "move the windows around": It is listed in the future plans as "Make the virtual cosmos graphically editable". It will require some effort. Currently the only possibility is to manually modify the files in $EM_DIR/etc/emMain/VcItems and $EM_DIR/etc/emMain/VcFiles. But it's not yet documented. If desired, I could write at least a small README for the next version.

    • Eric F.

      Eric F. - 2008-04-28

      It's a really nice project! Congratulation for the idea and the implementation, it's very well done.

      I've just posted a message about Eagle Mode on a (rather big) French forum:

    • Kelemen Fekete

      Kelemen Fekete - 2008-05-23


      I'm from Hungary. I've just downloaded the eaglemode, ant tried to build it. By running  perl build command, the building process runs but stops, by this:

      "gcc -O2 -fPIC -fexceptions -funsigned-char -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -Winline -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wsign-compare -Wwrite-strings -Wsign-promo -Wsynth -Wshadow -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Iinclude -I/usr/X11R6/include -c src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp -o obj/emX11Screen.o
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:28:39: error: X11/extensions/xf86vmode.h: No such file or directory
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void emX11Screen::GetVisibleRect(double*, double*, double*, double*)’:
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:66: error: ‘XF86VidModeModeLine’ was not declared in this scope
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:66: error: expected `;' before ‘ml’
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:71: error: ‘ml’ was not declared in this scope
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:71: error: ‘XF86VidModeGetModeLine’ was not declared in this scope
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:72: error: ‘XF86VidModeGetViewPort’ was not declared in this scope
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp: In constructor ‘emX11Screen::emX11Screen(emContext&, const emString&)’:
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:179: error: ‘XF86VidModeQueryVersion’ was not declared in this scope
      src/emX11/emX11Screen.cpp:181: error: ‘XF86VidModeQueryExtension’ was not declared in this scope
      Building emX11 failed!
      Can anybody help me to build this software?
      Please write me to my email address:

      Thank's for advance!


      • Oliver Hamann

        Oliver Hamann - 2008-05-23

        You must install the developer files of the XF86VidMode extension first. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, that package is called "libxxf86vm-dev" (in the Synaptic Package Manager).

        • aaj

          aaj - 2008-05-28

          Sorry this didnt work with me!

          I install libxxf86vm-dev  on ubuntu hardy 8.04

          And this is the result:

          gcc -O2 -fPIC -fexceptions -funsigned-char -fmessage-length=0 -Wall -Winline -Wpointer-arith -Wredundant-decls -Wsign-compare -Wwrite-strings -Wsign-promo -Wsynth -Wshadow -Wstrict-aliasing=2 -Wno-invalid-offsetof -Iinclude -I/usr/X11R6/include -c src/emX11/emX11Clipboard.cpp -o obj/emX11Clipboard.o
          In Datei, eingefügt von include/emX11/emX11Clipboard.h:29,
                           von src/emX11/emX11Clipboard.cpp:21:
          include/emX11/emX11Screen.h:26:33: Fehler: X11/extensions/XShm.h: No such file or directory
          In file included from include/emX11/emX11Clipboard.h:29,
                           from src/emX11/emX11Clipboard.cpp:21:
          include/emX11/emX11Screen.h:107: Fehler: »XShmSegmentInfo« bezeichnet keinen Typ
          Building emX11 failed!

          Best reg   André

          • Oliver Hamann

            Oliver Hamann - 2008-05-29

            You also need to install libxext-dev and maybe more. Please see for a complete list.

            • aaj

              aaj - 2008-05-29

              Thanks, now it works!

              Vielen Dank Oliver!
              Das hat jetzt genuckelt. O.k. bei richtiger Vorgehensweise sprich: Nachschauen was man alles braucht hätte ich das auch allein
              hingekriegt. Na, dafür habe ich jetzt einen Account bei soucreforge.
              Werde den Eagle mal testen und dann berichten.

              best reg André


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