MNTC - 2020-08-19

One of the most relevant tasks for ZUI is a scientific research, where one have to navigate asross big libraries of books and articles. But reading them is just a half. What if we could...

1) Making notes on book fields, highlighting and encircling arbitrary regions, bookmaring and linking without opening and modifying book files - keeping changes in some specific file.
2) Instantly editing plain text files and primitive graphics (eg. MS paint style). I have text editor application on my phone which does not need to save files - what is printed is immediately saved (backup copy for undo can be saved too).
3) Process DJVU files like PDFs
4) Spatially organize files in folders to heaps or cluters - enabling fuzzy intuitive sequential sorting of items - feature unimainable in GUI. E.g. I can arrange documents in 2D by two criterias. Or have cylidrical/spherical topology of iems layout. May be it would need placementof some file contatining all this data (and view style) to that folder.
5) Have unlimited 2D-organizable clipboards. For example, If I want to write two books on related topics, I can read some text, find useful information for one or both of books, zoom to region of interset and with hot keys send this location to appropriate clipboards. It even need not to be actually copied - just reference is created.