
Tree [589f0e] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 doc 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 edrelib 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13
 include 2014-04-08 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [aa23b1] Update edredaq.h with new register parameters.
 .gitignore 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [7ca47a] Amend .gitignore
 AUTHORS 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [7f92b4] Update version info and general maintenance.
 COPYING 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 ChangeLog 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13
 FAQ 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 INSTALL 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13
 NEWS 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 README 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 TODO 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 aclocal.m4 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 config.guess 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [3411c3] Amend .gitignore for more Autotools changes 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [7ca47a] Amend .gitignore
 config.sub 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [9aeaea] add missing files
 configure 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13
 depcomp 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [c463d2] Add missing files
 edrelib.pc 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13 2014-03-27 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [933279] Import of EDRELib version 2.6.7
 install-sh 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [c463d2] Add missing files
 libtool 2014-12-16 Johan Russouw Johan Russouw [589f0e] update edre lib for kernel 3.13 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [9aeaea] add missing files
 missing 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [c463d2] Add missing files
 stamp-h1 2014-04-09 Jan Zwiegers Jan Zwiegers [c463d2] Add missing files

Read Me

EDR Enhanced Library
by Eagle Technology, South Africa
Written by Jan Zwiegers

1. History
The original Eagle DRiver (EDR) was written in the very early 1990's to support
Data Acquisition (DAQ) hardware for programmers. These consisted of DOS C / 
Pascal libraries and later Windows 3.11 VXD drivers. Mainly these cards were 
ISA based and very simple to address. Later it was extended to Windows 98 & NT.
With the dawn of newer PC periperal buses, like PCI, EDR was replaced with EDR
Enhanced and a new much simpler API specification was formed. Later this API was
ported to Linux and this API was also release under a opensource license.

2. Introduction
The EDR Enhanced API and Library is a software package for Eagle Technology's 
Data Acquisition hardware. The API provide a software interface and hardware
abstractuion layer for a variety of buses and different interfaces. The API
is easy to learn and example programs are also provided. Please visit the
Eagle Technology Data Acquistion Website for more
information or email us

3. Source Layout
	All applications related to the library. These include calibration software
	and other utilities.
	Documentation and manuals
	The EDR Enhanced API
	Configuration files that should go into the same directory on hard disk.
	This is setup file for the API, udev and init.d startup scripts.
	Examples for various programming and scripting languages
	Official EDR Enhanced logos
	Programming includes files mainly for C/C++ and very important for 
	EDR Enhanced driver modules. This is required to build driver modules.
	Suppor for Java via JNI
	All hardware drivers
	Project files for Visual Studio 2005 to build the API for Win32/Windows.
	This EDR Enhanced Cross Platform API still lacks a lot of functionality 
	compared to the Windows version, so this cannot replace it yet.

4. Installation Instructions
4.1	Download and install your kernel header files or kernel source.This can be
	obtained from and FTP via A good 
	resource of things to do with your kernel can be found here: 
	Or follow the instruction below.

	1.1 Howto install the kernel source on Fedora Core or Red Hat.
		# yum install kernel-devel
		# tar xjf kernel-source-$(uname -r).tar.bz2

	1.2 Howto install the kernel source on Ubuntu Hardy(8.04) and later
		# sudo apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
		# tar xjf /usr/src/linux-source-$(uname -r).tar.bz2	
	1.3 Howto install the kernel source on Debian
		# apt-get install linux-source-$(uname -r)
		# tar xjf /usr/src/linux-source-$(uname -r).tar.bz2	

4.2	Extract the edrelib-x.y.z.tar.gz to a temporary directory, i.e. /usr/src
	# cd /usr/src
	# tar xzf edrelib-x.y.z.tar.gz

4.3	Copy all driver files to the edredaq directory.
	# cd edrelib-x.y.z/drivers
	# cp -R * /usr/src/linux-x.y.x/drivers/edredaq/.

4.4	EDR Enhanced Header Files are required to build in the drivers
	Make sure to install or copy the include files found in 
	edrelib-x.y.z/include to /usr/includes/edre. The easiest to do this is to
	install the API shared object. See the EDR Enhanced Library installation 
	file or simply do the following:
	# cd usr/src/edrelib-x.y.z
	# ./configure --prefix=/usr
	# make
	# make install

4.5	Build all the drivers and install
	# cd /usr/src/linux-x.y.x/drivers/edredaq
	# make clean
	# make
	# make install

4.6	Rebuild the kernel module dependancy table.
	# depmod -a

4.7	Install UDEV script. This is needed to detect plug and play event and to
	build the necessary files nodes under /dev/edredaq. The EDR Enhance library
	needs to be able to open a file handle directly to the hardware device 
	# cp /usr/src/edrelib-x.y.x/etc/udev/z-edredaq.rules /etc/udev/.

4.8	Reboot. It's not always needed, but because of problems with earlier
	versions of UDEV it's safer to reboot. The new device driver modules will
	then be loaded properly and UDEV will also load the new EDR Enhanced rules

4.9	Testing the installation is easy. Goto /usr/src/edrelib-x.y.z/apps/lsedre.
	Build it and install it.
	# cd /usr/src/edrelib-x.y.z/apps/lsedre
	# make
	# make install

	And then to list all installed EDR Enhanced compatible hardware simply type
	# lsedre
	# Index: 0 Bus: PCI Type: 71 Serial#: 1000002005 - PCI766A16 16 Ch DAC Board

4.10	For applications see edrelib/apps and examples see edrelib/examples.

4.11	Help via email. Please contact Jan Zwiegers <> if you need 
	any help or information. Visit our website for a complete
	catalog of our product range.

A Disclaimer and copyright

   This document is provided as is and information provided is not 
   warranted to be correct; use it at own own risk.