
git tree?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-09-15


    I just learned about this project and I would like to see the development history and see where improvements could be made.

    I also see that there are debian packages available, but not Debian package sources, which make it harder to create binaries for newer versions of Debian (e.g., Debian sid, which has Boost 1.46, which gives compilation errors when used).

    Having the Debian packaging for it would make things much easier for people like me, so that binaries for other architectures could be readly made, with all the depencies being automatically informed by tools like `dpkg-builddeps` so that compilation of the package is easier.

    The last source tarball has a .gitignore file, which leads me to think that development happens with a git repository.

    It would be very nice to have the git repository available on sourceforge or any other public place.


    Rogério Brito.

  • conso

    conso - 2011-09-18


    for building Debian packages CPack is used. Run 'make package' to build a new '.deb' file. If you want to change some package build options have a look at the CMakeLists.txt in the source root directory.

    At the moment the source code in my git is not in an buildable state and quite a mess. But I promise to make it public with version 0.2.2.


  • conso

    conso - 2012-04-06



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