
EPIC - Eclipse Perl Integration / News: Recent posts

New release 0.5.33 (stable) and 0.6.0 (testing)

The previous testing version of EPIC was promoted to 'stable' today and is now available as direct download and through the 'stable' update site. 0.5.33 contains new features implemented since August 2006, several bug fixes that could not be incorporated into the 0.4.x release, and a major internal restructuring of the debugger code.

At this point, the 'stable' (0.5.33) and 'testing' (0.6.0) versions are identical, except that 0.6.0 requires Eclipse 3.2. Users interested in new features should upgrade to Eclipse 3.2 (if not already done) and keep upgrading through the 'testing' update site. Users who prefer stability should stay with 'stable', which will remain compatible with Eclipse 3.1 until the next testing-to-stable switch.

Posted by Jan Ploski 2007-04-06

New release 0.4.0 (stable) and 0.5.0 (testing)

An updated version of EPIC, the open source Perl IDE based on the Eclipse platform, is now available.

This version works with Eclipse 3.2, has a completely rewritten parser, many bug fixes and several new features (see ChangeLog on the web site). The stable and testing versions are released together and are at this point identical. However, new features will be only provided through the testing version, while stable will be updated only with bug fixes. Both versions can be installed and kept up-to-date using Eclipse's Update Manager. An archive with the 'stable' version can be also downloaded for offline installation.... read more

Posted by Jan Ploski 2006-08-04

New release 0.3.11

New release has come out. Some of the improvements are:

- Speed improvements
- Better Colour Highlight for reg-exp and ... (not 100% perfect since it's only interpreter and not Perl itself!)
- Eclipse variables expansion
- improved handling of Perspective, Views, etc.
- ... (See Home Page for complete list)

Update via:


Posted by LeO 2005-07-15

New release 0.3.10

Missing files from 0.3.9 were added and minor improvements.

Posted by LeO 2005-01-31

New Version 0.3.9

new version 0.3.9 available since 2005-01-24 on the Homepage.

Main improvements are the Debugger and some Editor issues as well fixed/extended.

Complete List:

* Displaying of variables re-coded.
- This should remove all known bugs (" Error Parsing Debugger Variables")
- significant improvement in speed
* Remote Debugging implemented
* Improved handling of Regular Expression Breakpoints
- Property dialogue added
- if RegEx can't be extracted user is asked for intervention
- before executing a breakpoint properties are updated if source line has changed
* Perl Debugger uses to connect to EPIC for local debugging sessions. This should avoid some Problems with firewalls.
* Fixed bug: [ 1050648 ] Environment vars not inherited by debugged script on Solaris
* Implemented Feature Request: [ 1051399 ] Debug-Perspective: Switching automatically... read more

Posted by LeO 2005-01-26

Current Version 0.3.8

The latest version could be found on the HomePage or just add it in Eclipse with

Posted by LeO 2005-01-12