
Bogus "redefined" warnings f...

  • Peter Valdemar Mørch

    Being new to Eclipse (not perl) I'm seeing 730 warnings from my .pm files. EPIC seems to test them like so:

    perl -w -c

    But isn't this more appropriate for modules?

    perl -w -c -MFoo -e ''

    For example, I created this in a new project in a new workspace as

    package Redefined;
    # Here is a real warning:
    my $var = 1;
    my $var = 2;
    sub foo {
        print "This is Redefined::foo\n";
    use constant FOO => 1;
    package Redefined::Sub;
    use base qw(Redefined);
    sub foo {
        print "This is Redefined::Sub::foo\n";


    perl -w -c -MRedefined -e ''

    , I get:

    "my" variable $var masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 5.

    which expect. However with

    perl -w -c

    , I get:

    "my" variable $var masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 5.
    "my" variable $var masks earlier declaration in same scope at line 5.
    Subroutine foo redefined at line 7.
    Constant subroutine Redefined::FOO redefined at /usr/share/perl/5.10/ line 115.
    Subroutine foo redefined at line 16. syntax OK

    Are these warnings valid in your opinion? I'd like not to be forced to have many tiny .pm files - one for each class. Many of them are *tiny*. Is there any way for me to avoid these warnings so  I can see other warnings?

  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2011-01-04

    I think the warnings are valid. "use base" seems to assume that the base class is in a different file - it is equivalent to BEGIN { require Redefined; @ISA = qw(Redefined); }, which will produce the same double warning at "require". A workaround would be to simply assign @ISA = qw(Redefined).

    Your proposed way of syntax checking sounds unreliable because it is not clear which package name should appear after -M if the target .pm file contained n different packages. I'm also not sure whether it would catch all warnings, though I don't have a counterexample.

  • Oliver Trosien

    Oliver Trosien - 2011-01-04

    You don't get this error if you code it like that. is this a perl bug?

    package Redefined::Base;

    … your base code

    package Redefined::Sub;

    .. your subclass code


  • Oliver Trosien

    Oliver Trosien - 2011-01-04

    ok, sorry.. jploski was faster, and I'll agree to what he wrote. Use "use base" only if you put your modules in seperate files. otherwise use @ISA = qw(…)


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