
perldoc system path

  • yair reshef

    yair reshef - 2006-06-14

    hi all, [first post on list]
    i have activeperl installed on an xp with eclipse platform. i am not able to view perldoc, the guide mentions i need to set path of perldoc in system path.
    i ppm the perldoc but what is the path i need to enter into the system path inorder to use the perldoc in eclipse?

    • Kay Vetter

      Kay Vetter - 2006-06-14

      Hi yoshco,

      perhaps you have the same problem I have had. See the Tread  Eclipse 3.1.1 + EPIC 0.3.x + Win XP - Perldoc in these forum, last 3 answers. date: 2006-02-01

    • yair reshef

      yair reshef - 2006-06-14

      yep, changing the Perl exec back to perl.exe solved this.


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