
Start Debugger problem

  • Magnus

    Magnus - 2005-10-12

    I have the following setup:
    + Windows XP
    + EPIC
    + Eclipse SDK, Version: 3.1.0
    + ActivePerl
    + J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 Update 2

    The following pops up in console window when I am trying to start the debugger:

    Unable to connect to remote host:
    "My IP address":5002
    Compilation failed in require.
    at D:/Documents and Settings/Mange/workspace/CountInstructions/ line 0
        main::BEGIN() called at C:/Perl/lib/ line 0
        eval {...} called at C:/Perl/lib/ line 0
    BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
    at D:/Documents and Settings/Mange/workspace/CountInstructions/ line 0

    What does this mean ?


    • Magnus

      Magnus - 2005-10-12

      I have the EPIC 0.3.0 version

    • Marc Bernstein

      Marc Bernstein - 2006-01-08

      Possibly you do not have the correct version of installed. Only use the one you can download from the epic web page on sourceforge.

      You will need this even if you have other issues.

    • Saurabh

      Saurabh - 2006-01-28

      Infact I am also facing the same problem. Can you please tell me what is the possible solution.

      Also can someone tell me where to set the perl interpreter. and where you set the perl libraries?


    • Huw Walters

      Huw Walters - 2006-02-24

      Yes, that's pretty much what I'm getting.  I can run Perl scripts from within Eclipse, but when I try to debug them I get "Launching (50%)" for 20s, then the following console message, which is practically identical to the one reported by Magnus:

      Unable to connect to remote host: <my-ip-address>:5000
      Compilation failed in require.
      at D:/Projects/Eclipse/EclipseTest/ line 0
      main::BEGIN() called at C:/Perl/lib/ line 0
      eval {...} called at C:/Perl/lib/ line 0
      BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
      at D:/Projects/Eclipse/EclipseTest/ line 0

      I'm using the version of PadWalker from the EPIC page on (unzipped into C:\Perl\site\lib and C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\PadWalker) as I'm aware the ActiveState version won't work with my setup:

      Windows 2000 Pro SP4
      J2SE runtime 5.0 update 6
      Eclipse Platform 3.1.2
      EPIC 0.3.0
      PadWalker for Perl 5.8.1+

      Is there some way I should configure Perl to work with the Eclipse debugger?  I've tried configuring Eclipse to use both perl.exe and wperl.exe in the EPIC preferences, but both behave the same way.  Is there something I should be doing with PPM?  Should I run an earlier version of one of these components?

      I would very much like to use Eclipse for Perl development, but if I can't use the integrated debugger, it won't be my ideal solution, and I'll have to consider Komodo (which, though a fine IDE, runs a bit slowly for my taste).

      Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    • ronw

      ronw - 2006-03-01

      Have you tried installing the ActiveState Padwalker module first via PPM and then unzipping the EPIC Padwalker over it?  This has worked for me on older versions of Perl and EPIC and is now one of my SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) habits.

    • ronw

      ronw - 2006-03-01

      Don't forget to unzip the files into the correct locations/folders (same as the ActiveState locations)  Usually I unzip the EPIC padwaldker (using folders with overwrite on) into the perl directory. (site/lib is already in the folder path in the zip file.)  Be sure that you are using the correct EPIC padwalker for your version of Perl.  (For me it is the "PadWalker Module for ActiveState 5.8.1 or higher")

    • ronw

      ronw - 2006-03-01

      Also, you set the perl executable location by selecting the Window/Preferences/Perl EPIC menu in Eclipse (the root of the Perl EPIC tree).  There are many other options you can set also.  Setting the perl executable location resolves many possible issues.  This and more information is in the Help/Help Contents/EPIC Users Guide menu in Eclipse or in the downloadable Users Guide.  Have Fun!

    • Huw Walters

      Huw Walters - 2006-03-07

      Hi, thanks for the reply.

      Yes, a good idea to unzip PadWalker over the PPM installation, but I'm afraid it doesn't seem to make any difference; I get exactly the same "Unable to connect to remote host" error.

      I unzipped (correct for my installation of ActivePerl, version into C:\Perl, with one file in C:\Perl\site\lib and four files in C:\Perl\site\lib\auto\PadWalker.

      However, I'm not sure an incorrectly configured PadWalker is the cause of my problems; to quote the EPIC user's guide, "It is possible to use the debugger without installing PadWalker. But in this case local variables won't be shown".  I'm not even getting that far; the "Unable to connect to remote host" error tells me that Perl is somehow failing to listen for debuggers.

      I've tried both C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe and C:\Perl\bin\wperl.exe, with the default ActivePerl installation.

      Can I assume other developers *are* able to step through Perl scripts, as the documentation suggests?  It's not like my test script is doing anything dodgy, is it? (-:

      > use strict;
      > use PadWalker qw(peek_my peek_sub);
      > for my $index (1 .. 20)
      > {
      >     print "$index\n";
      > }

      Many thanks,


      • Jan Ploski

        Jan Ploski - 2006-03-07

        You assume correctly, the debugger works for me both under Windows and under Linux. Although I am using the CVS version, 0.3.12 should be ok too.

        The way it is supposed to work is that when you launch a script in debug mode, the EPIC debugger plug-in starts listening on a TCP port (the port number is a dynamically generated one above 5000). Then the Perl interpreter is launched with a -d switch and the environment variable PERLDB_OPTS set to "RemotePort=<number> DumpReused ReadLine=0". The interpreter should then connect to the listening port and send its debug prompt there.

        Maybe you have a firewall problem?

    • Jan Ploski

      Jan Ploski - 2006-03-08

      I managed to reproduce the described problem in Windows XP today while attempting to start the CGI debugger. In that context it was caused by CGI environment variables replacing the global environment rather than being merged in properly. I committed a fix to CVS. However, the non-CGI debugger was not affected by this bug in my case.

      Here is a potential workaround for those of you having debugger connect problems with the "Compilation failed in require" message: try hacking your c:/Perl/lib/ script by inserting the following statement somewhere near the top:

      $ENV{'SystemRoot'} = 'C:/Windows';

      Replace 'C:/Windows' with the correct path. You can figure it out either by guessing or by dumping environment variables with 'set' in a cmd.exe prompt.

    • Huw Walters

      Huw Walters - 2006-03-20

      Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm afraid I'm still having major trouble here. )-:  I'm no longer getting that "Unable to connect to remote host" error.  However ...

      The debugger seems to be half working, in that if I change the number of executions in a "for (;;) { print ... }" loop, I have to click the "resume" button on the debug toolbar a proportional number of times, before the final program output appears in the console window.  However, at no point does it show anything in the variables window, or indicate that a breakpoint has been hit.

      Maybe I'm missing something about the way the Eclipse GUI works, but surely more than that should be happening when a breakpoint is hit?!

      I tried disabling my firewall software (after physically unplugging my modem, naturally!) but this made no difference.  And I know I have the right version of PadWalker installed.



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