
colorizer for interpolated variable in quotes

  • Patrick H. Piper

    Can someone please tell me how to have variables colorized as such when in contained in a double-quoted string? i.e. "I have some $var in this string" - this will show up as all blue in windows Eclipse + Epic.  Can $var be colorized to the same *pink* color when not quoted?


  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2010-01-29

    This is not implemented, sorry.

  • Patrick H. Piper

    Will this be added in the future? Other languages that use the dynamic languages plugins support that.. have others asked for that? Thanks!

  • Jan Ploski

    Jan Ploski - 2010-01-29

    Others have asked, but it's not going to be implemented any time soon (unless you or someone else would like to work on it). EPIC predates and doesn't use DLTK.


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