
Anyone developing modules with tests for CPAN

  • Wanda_B_Anon

    Wanda_B_Anon - 2007-08-22

    Anyone developing modules with tests for CPAN using epic?  (btw, I love epic...)

    Is there an elegant way to carry out the cycle of

    make realclean

    perl Makefile.PL


    make test

    and view the error output, or mark the tests that pass, or mark the lines of the tests that fail? While staying in eclipse?  In a way that is agnostic to the perl project you switch to?

    If yes, how?  If not, approaches? 

    After all, this is the discussion area...


    • Jan Ploski

      Jan Ploski - 2007-08-22

      You could write a Perl script which calls the above commands and (if necessary) processes the failure output so that it appears as hyperlinks in the Console view. For example, this would create a hyperlink:

      print STDERR "x at /some/path/ line 3.\n";

      Note that you can parametrize this Perl script conveniently by putting ${project_loc} in the Arguments tab (Program arguments). This variable will be evaluated when you run the script and will become the absolute path to the project containing the currently selected resource (file or folder). You can also use ${string_prompt} for an arbitrary text input from the user.

      Implementing an Eclipse plug-in in Java like JUnit would be nicer, of course, but much more work.


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