wildboy85 - 2008-07-23

in my input menu, i have an OK button and a CANCEL button
i usually have an optionnal admin logon and password (in case you are logged as normal user)

i also validate the input as a 5 char project number to generate a folder in a project network drive

if the input is invalid, i add a value to the array containing a message after the input box
if this message contain any "error" or "erreur" text, when the frame regenerate, it will display it in RED color

then regenerate the input frame until the correct data is entered

if the data input is ok, i clear the data input frame (fmid) and execute another sub that will do the job

if a cancel is pressed, i clear the two frames, and also clear all the input variables from main menu
(we do not want the button to stay pressed and loop indefinitly)

also when the job is complete, i do not clear the frames

so the user can see the results in the fbot (bottom frame)

the user then, have to select another option from main menu to move on

      if chkmenu=0 and fmid.Script.CheckValcancel()=0 then
         '=== User has clicked the OK button, retrieve the values
         connum = fmid.form01.connum.Value
         if len(connum) < 5 then
            a = "error - contrat doit avec 5 caractères"
            a = dynforgen (distmp,namtmp,deftmp,typtmp,errtmp,buttmp,tit)
            '=== all the data from the form is ok, we proceed to next step
         end if
      end if
   loop while err01<>0
   if chkmenu=0 and fmid.Script.CheckValcancel()=0 then
      '=== doing the job, all input are ok
      fbot.WriteLn("structure i pas encore pret hahaha<br>")
      '=== clear main menu options to restart with a new option without reloading frames, so we can still see the results
      a = clrmenu
   elseif chkmenu=0 then '=== cancel was pressed
      a = clrmenu
      a = clefra(array("fmid","fbot"))
   end if

end if