Activity for GNU Gettext for Delphi and C++ Builder

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r182] on Code

    added partial French translations for Delphi 2007 and 2010

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r181] on Code

    corrected some comments

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r180] on Code

    add function "UseGetTextDefaultFormatting":

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r179] on Code

    changed laguage selection to same logic as in poEdit: replaced property "X-Poedit-Language:" with "Language:".

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r178] on Code

    no messege on "release" (no message if result text is empty)

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r177] on Code

    on calling msgmerge.exe removed "2>&1"

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r176] on Code

    removed call of "bash.exe". Paths with spaces and “stderr” still need to be checked!

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r175] on Code

    delete binary example

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r174] on Code

    ignore files (binary output or copy from source directory/files)

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r173] on Code

    delete old gettext files. compiled with cygwin + logging errors to event log

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r172] on Code

    deleted file (copy from "\dxgettext\sample\gnugettext.pas")

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r171] on Code

    extend msgmergePot to find files a sub folder deeper (Delphi Source code)

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r170] on Code

    remove hint H2443 add System.UITypes to uses

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r169] on Code

    save project files with Delphi 11.2

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r168] on Code

    add ignore for "*.res"

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r167] on Code

    delete .res files from source control (delphi will build them)

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r166] on Code

    add line break at end of file

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r165] on Code

    add missing System.JSON to uses

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r164] on Code


  • raller09 raller09 committed [r163] on Code

    change path to Inno Setup 6

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r162] on Code

    remove blank space

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r161] on Code

    changed DecimalSeparator -> FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r160] on Code

    Changed uses Graphics -> Vcl.Graphics

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r159] on Code

    Add "preserveusercomments" to Config and use it

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r158] on Code

    only wrap lines if longer than "LineWidth"

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r157] on Code

    if no line no is set, return "0" as source code location line no (no exception)

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r156] on Code

    ignore ._dxGetText_prjgroup.tvsconfig

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r155] on Code

    create git ignore file

  • raller09 raller09 committed [r154] on Code

    changed SourceDir from absolute path to %~dp0..\..\dxgettext

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r153] on Code

    * English "Translations" based on the German .po files by copying the original strings

  • WinOmega WinOmega created ticket #32

    dxgettext replacement of Dialogs routines

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r152]

    some fixes for UNICODE aware compilers contributed by Arthur Hoornweg

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r151]

    added German translations from the other po files via the translation repository

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r150]

    distinguish between "Add tag to po file" and "Preview changes by adding label"

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r149]

    removed unnecessary ignores

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r148]

    Read -> ReadBuffer, because it checks whether all the bytes have actually been read

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r147]

    * partial German and French translations for: Delphi 10.1 and Delphi 10.4

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r146]

    Bugfix: Ressource strings of the form SBla = #34'some text in double quotes'#34 were not handled correctly

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r145]

    * scan script for Delphi 10, 10.1, 10.3 and 10.4

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r144]

    template for Delphi 10.2

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r143]


  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r142]

    partial French and German translations for Delph 10.2

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r141]

    scan batch file for Delphi 10.2

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r140]

    compile test projects for Delphi 10.4 and 11

  • Olivier Sannier Olivier Sannier created ticket #156

    TGnuGettextInstance.ngettext broken if SearchAllDomains is set to True

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r139]

    avoid hint for Delphi 10.4 and later (not just for Delphi 10.4)

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r138]

    fixed translation error: "zeit-Codierung" -> "Zeit-Codierung"

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r137]

    fixed translation error: "zeit-Codierung" -> "Zeit-Codierung"

  • OCTAGRAM OCTAGRAM created ticket #155

    Locale selection on Windows8+ from new WinAPI

  • Mojca Miklavec Mojca Miklavec created ticket #95

    Support creating pot file without line numbers

  • Mojca Miklavec Mojca Miklavec created ticket #94

    Support excluding __history and __recovery folders

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller posted a comment on ticket #31

    committed to revision #136 thanks a lot

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r136]

    patch from Marc Guillot: new command line parameter --updateignore to add likely ignores to ignore.po file

  • Marc Guillot Marc Guillot created ticket #31

    Add --updateignore param to move the likely ignores to a ignore.po file

  • Ivan Johansen Ivan Johansen posted a comment on ticket #153

    Unfortunately I am not able to step through pas files when compiling for 64-bit but only when compiling for 32-bit. However it looks like the problem occur at this line in THookedObjects.Proxify(obj:TObject): size:=NativeUInt(objClassData.ClassName)-NativeUInt(objClassData)+hookedClassNameLength+2; I can see that it calculates 0x0000000000E3BC16 - 0x0000000001208360, which result in a negative value and it throws an EIntOverflow exception. There is a comment above the code: // According to Allen...

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller posted a comment on ticket #150

    actually the fix was to pass 'locale'+PathDelim fixed in revision #135 (unfortunately I can't close tickets here)

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r135]

    fix for bug #150: Cannot compile ggassemble.exe - engine.PrepareFileList needs directory

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller posted a comment on ticket #153

    That's probably because you are using different compiler switches for Win32 and Win64. Could you please provide the line number where the exception occurs? I don't have C++ Builder available for testing, but knowning the line number might enable me to spot the problem anyway.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller posted a comment on ticket #154

    propsed fix applied in revision #134 (unfortunately I can't close this ticket, I only have write access to the sources but no admin rights to the project)

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r134]

    Fix for bug #154: Errors when compiling on C++ Builder

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r133]

    added cond. to get rid of hint in Delphi 10.4

  • Ivan Johansen Ivan Johansen created ticket #154

    Errors when compiling on C++ Builder

  • Ivan Johansen Ivan Johansen created ticket #153

    Integer overflow in Proxify

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r132]

    Removed the consoleoutput unit from the project because it prevented any output if the tool is called from within a Delphi build event.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r131]

    moved comments to the line end and replace u umlaut with 'ue' in these comments

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r130]

    line endings were wrong again (thanks to Mojca Miklavec for reporting this)

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller posted a comment on ticket #151

    The icon was added in 2014 with revision #67. Unfortunately I cannot close any tickets here.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r129]

    Try to open the executable up to 10 times, waiting one second in between. This should solve a problem where another pogram (probably the virus scanner) still has the executable open.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r128]

    Patch from Lübbe Onken for correctly translating German keyboard shortcuts.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r127]

    added support for .FMX files (my tests with simple forms worked without further changes as .FMX files apparently have the same structure as .DFM files, but this needs more testing)

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r126]

    GetCurrentLanguage -> GetCurrentLocaleName

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r125]

    Test projects that only compile sample\gnugettext.pas to easily find compile errors, warnings and hints for all supported versions of Delphi.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r124]

    Call UTF8ToUnicodeString rather than UTF8ToWideString since UnicodeString is only declared as WideString for non-UNICODE Delphi versions. This fixes a problem reported by Sue King on Delphi Praxis

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r123]

    * Added shortcuts for several controls

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r122]

    * added test for English

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r121]

    moved Delphi 10.2 project

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r120]

    Copied Delphi 2007 project

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r119]

    Multitreaded test for directly using ressource strings

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r118]

    Multitreaded test for directly using ressource strings

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r117]

    Test for translating ressource strings in multiple threads for multiple languages.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r116]

    test for multithreaded access to ressource strings

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r115]

    converted all LF only line ends to CR/LF (wherever those came from I have no idea)

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r114]

    nothing has changed since Delphi XE4, so we now only use $if CompilerVersion >= 25

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r113]

    bugfix: $if needs $ifend

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r112]

    replaced with

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r111]

    ignore alternative versions of gnugettext (pyscripter / jvcl)

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r110]

    ignore some more files

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r109]

    * exchanged with

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r108]

    changed to

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r107]

    * changed to

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r106]

    bugfix: $IF requires $IFEND rather than $ENDIF

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r105]

    added support for Delphi 10.3 Rio

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r104]

    * New field TGnuGettextInstance.EmptyToEmpty which, if set to true, results in an empty string being "translated" to an empty string. It defaults to false which keeps the default behaviour of returning the po file header for an empty string.

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r103]

    * new option --ignore-duplicates

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r102]

    * Buttons to select the bpl directory and the .po file to merge / create

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r101]

    converted to UTF-8

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r100]

    Translations for Delphi XE2, based on the ones for XE and additional translations from the bpls

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r99]

    renamed delphi2011.po to delphiXE.po

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r98]

    converted some strange line ends (CRCRLF) to standard line ends CRLF

  • Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller committed [r97]

    updated tools index

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