
#139 Positive Final Mill Depth Values Treated as Negative

Adam Geary


I am trying out the latest version (2022.2.26) and quickly noticed that any positive final mill depth values set in the GUI are treated as negative values. So if I have a workpiece top of 19, infeed of 12, and final depth of 2mm, it then creates tool paths at 7mm and -2mm. I have tested with a few different files and the results seem to be the same. I will include the project, results, and both configs used. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance in solving this. Thank you.

5 Attachments


  • Adam Geary

    Adam Geary - 2022-06-23

    Looking over the code, I think the culprit is the line here taking the negative absolute value of depth:

    I am not well versed in Python or most coding in general, but assuming the release candidate download is based on the "develop" tree, this feels like it's probably the cause.

    My material thickness varies constantly, so I always treat the workpiece bottom as my depth zero and nearly all my cuts have positive depth, so this is a pretty serious problem. I thought about half the CNC world worked this way.

  • Dom

    Dom - 2022-06-23

    hey folks, thanks for the awesome tool.

    I work with Adam, don't really know my way around milling/gcode but I do know coding/python pretty well. I had a look around and may have identified the line that might be causing the issue for us, it's at:

    which is from this commit:

    which does say "Added some more improvement to make mill depth absolute and remove potential failures due to wrong sign." so seems like design.

    any insight on what the correct procedure should be here? since it seems like the app previously was working ok for this scenario.

  • chrisko

    chrisko - 2023-02-02
    • status: New --> Fixed
    • assigned_to: chrisko
    • OpSys: --> All

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