
OPENGL tutorials and help

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    i find this tuto´´s and ways for opengl for you patrick, i wish that can to
    help you, is important the order in the convertion diretcx to opengl of any
    header, vertex cache, everything that directx has you have to find the
    resourses similars in opengl, is hard because opengl is more like to draw, but
    with patienece all is possible, good luck my friend .....note i was reading in
    opengl there are vertex chache, pixel shadder, you have to use the things just
    like directx sdk uses, otherwiswe the dolphin emu team are expert in opengl ,
    ask for a litle tuto or something....greetings , we are with you
    atte. SAINSEIYA - AIORUS300


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