
an array of record in dws2Unit (Help!)

DWS Forum
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm having problem creating an array of record at design time in the dws2Unit.
    I created the record type (records), defined the array type (array[1..8] of TheData) and created a globabl variable of that type.
    But when I compile the script, I got a 'missing :=' error when I access the array of record variable (which is not defined in the script, as it is global for all the loaded script).

    In short:
    * I create a design time a an array of record variable in the way above.
    * I cannot see such variable when compiling the script, but I do see the other ones! Found nothing on example, forum ...and I do not understand enough of DWS2 for snipping in the source :)


    • hannes hernler

      hannes hernler - 2006-08-27

      could you post your source code?
      or send it to me: hannes(at)
      i will look into it.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Mail sent to you by my free address (the max_cuneiform2@ ) one

      It has a dfm and a pas with the dws2Unit and the dws script that refuses to compile properly -

      Thank you!!!!

      • hannes hernler

        hannes hernler - 2006-08-27

        sorry, I didn' get your mail.
        my spam filter erased it probably. please send again. with subject "DWS support ..."

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      resent right now.
      I forgot to say, the dws2Unit in the form is the one I use (I was testing it outside the app, within the dws compiler's demo).
      The files are ZIP attachments -do you have a .ZIP filter enabled? in case, I'll rename it to .ZIB



    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Any news on the Bug?

      Any possible Work-Around to make it work and (eventually) make it compatible when the bug is solved?

      I would really like to incorporate and test DWS2 in my project.


      • hannes hernler

        hannes hernler - 2006-09-04

        it was hollydays time. we are starting to work again from today on.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      ...and sorry, didn't mean to harrass!


    • hannes hernler

      hannes hernler - 2006-09-06

      Dear Massimo ,
      our new member in the developer board - Thoma Krenn - had a look into your problem und got no good news for you:
      You defined your complex types in the object explorer for dws2unit.
      In DWS for now, it's not possible to declare global variables of a complex type (array,record,...) AT DESIGN TIME in delphi.
      Because this feature needs changes in the core of DWS-parser, a fix for this problem won't be available soon.

      let the parser do the work - store the script declaration and initialisation of your variables in a text object (e.g. TStrings) and use it like an include file, may be automatic memory located include file every time when source code is compiled
      -  it works, we've done it.

      Hope this helps you anyway.

      hannes hernler

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Any idea when the next version of DWS will be ready?

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        > Any idea when the next version of DWS will be ready?

        Probably never. The project has been abandoned.


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