
How do I add chapter files to previous titlesets in the menu?

  • k8bush

    k8bush - 2023-06-19

    I have multiple titlesets in my DVD. I want to add a file as chapter to my first titleset. When I right click on the first titleset to add a chapter, the chapter gets added to my LAST titleset, which I don't want.

    • peate9

      peate9 - 2023-06-19

      That's one problem I've yet to solve, and I tried, believe me I tried. The solution?
      Make your first titleset last, then you can add the chapter. Just change your targets (Actions in buttons.)

      I just noticed your username. Love it.


      Last edit: peate9 2023-06-19
      • k8bush

        k8bush - 2023-06-19

        Thanks for replying. I'm disappointed because that messes up my menu. I have to change each of the buttons and the images inside of them.

  • k8bush

    k8bush - 2023-06-19

    Is there any way to make the image inside the "text and frame" button transparent? I already tried adding a transparent image, and no image at all.


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