
DVD not exporting anymore (need quick help please)

timothee s
  • timothee s

    timothee s - 2023-11-17

    I'm currently making a DVD as a gift which is due tomorrow (yes I know a bit late...)
    I exported the project a few times to get a preview of the DVD. But now DVDStyler won't export anymore. It runs and after a few moments it just says "failed" ("Fehlgeschlagen" in German).

    I don't know what has happened.
    I need help, quick. Would be nice if someone could help me.
    I'll add the Project to my post (it doesn't have any clips yet besides the Intro).

    Thank you!

  • timothee s

    timothee s - 2023-11-17

    I think I fixed it now. Might have been in issue with different Audio formats or something


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