
Does not believe in my DVD

  • Michael Hennebry

    The problem I'm having now is that dvdstyler will not believe I have a DVD in the drive.
    The file manager does, but dvdstyler does not.

    The result is that when I click on burn DVD,
    dvdstyler grinds away and eventually asks me if I want to burn the DVD.
    When I tell it yes, it ask me to put a blank DVD in.
    I do so and click on ok.
    dvdstyler comes back with another demand for a blank DVD.
    Eventually I click on cancel and what apparently
    was an iso file in the temp directory goes away.
    Assuming I cannot fix this problem, how do I tell dvdstler to make an iso file for me?

  • peate9

    peate9 - 2022-01-20

    When you click the burn button, you have three choices. Burn, create ISO or my favorite, Just generate. You will end up with a Folder with the project name. Inside are two more folders: AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Burn thes VIDEO_TS to disc using CDburnerXP or another program of our choice.

    Bonus, you can play the VIDEO_TS folder with VLC before burning to chek your results .

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2022-01-20

    Also tick "Don't remove temp files" to keep them.


  • Michael Hennebry

    Thanks folks.
    I got it to work, sort of.
    Gave it eight files.
    Transcoding seemed to work well.
    I left most things as defaults,
    mostly because I was not sure how to change them.
    Had to point dvdstyler at a USB drive
    for want of enough space elsewhere.

    Pointing a video player at the iso file
    showed buttons for the last two of the eight.
    A left-pointing arrow was non-functional.
    Using a menu not on my DVD player,
    I managed to see buttons for the first six files.
    Five of them worked.
    The second and third buttons always showed video from the third file.
    The only way to see the second file was to use play all.

  • peate9

    peate9 - 2022-01-21

    Post your log file .txt and project files .dvds as attachments, we'll have a look. Probably just a simple label error.

    Here is how to Just generate , easy.


    Last edit: peate9 2022-01-21
  • Michael Hennebry

    Grrr. I'm feeling stupid.
    How do I attach?

  • Michael Hennebry


  • peate9

    peate9 - 2022-01-22

    I rearranged your menus, and removed the unneeded frames and buttons.


    Last edit: peate9 2022-01-24
  • Michael Hennebry

    I added file='s and audio and video elements to the vob elements.
    The result is a lot like I had before
    Play all does what it says.
    Select title gives me six blank buttons with no arrow, functional or otherwise.
    The buttons give me the first six videos, including the second one.

    Did you have to edit the xml directly?

  • peate9

    peate9 - 2022-01-24

    I don't know what you mean by adding to the vob elements. If you mean you added more videos, you have to make buttons for them. Select title takes you to the first menu with 6 frames for the first 6 titles. Right click on one, choose properties and make sure it's aiming for the correct file. Here you can also choose a picture for the frame button. I left the right arrow and the home button at the bottom.

  • Michael Hennebry

    dvdstyler couldn't handle your dvd.dvds
    even after I changed all the backslashes to slashes.
    I'm on LInux, Fedora 33. I should upgrade soon.

    The file mentioned only two of my videos and none in the tltleset section.
    The titleset vobs listed no files at all.
    I added my files with a file= in each of the titleset vobs.
    I got a transcoding error.
    Added a video format="3"/ to the offending vob/ element.
    Got another transcoding error.
    Added the video element to the remaining tltleset vobs.
    Got another transcoding error,
    something about audio/video synchronization.
    Added a audio format="3"/ to all the titleset vob file="...",,,/vobs.
    Got my .iso file.

    Note: I removed all the angle brackets,
    as it seems the forum software cannot digest them.


    Last edit: Michael Hennebry 2022-01-25
  • Michael Hennebry

    Do not know how to delete.
    Originally intended as an "addendum" to previous post.


    Last edit: Michael Hennebry 2022-01-25

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