
Video is choppy after export

  • Andy

    Andy - 2022-04-19

    Hi all

    I have a few mp4 files, and I've created a DVD Styler project adding the mp4 files to it.
    But when create an export of the project to an ISO image and play back the ISO, the video is very slightly choppy.

    The mp4 files were created using Shotcut and when I play the original source mp4 files back using VLC they are fine and very smooth.

    But when I use VLC to play back the exported ISO file the video is choppy.

    I've also burned the ISO to a DVD and it also plays back exactly the same as the ISO - choppy.

    When I say choppy, I mean every 0.5 second or so the video jumps very very slightly, instead of being smooth like the original.

  • Andy

    Andy - 2022-04-19

    Just something to add....

    I've created a new project and adding the original raw .MOV files from the iphone into DVD Styler, then done an export to an ISO and have the exact same issue!

    DVD Styler seems to downgrade the original video and makes it choppy. This is noticeable on videos when the phone is panning slowly, not just holding the phone in one position

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2022-04-21

    No need for Shortcut. Encoding twice deteriate your quality.

    But should I guess iPhone records using Variable Framerate which can cause problem. Check with MediaInfo.



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