
Help with design of project for chapters and play straight through options

  • Jeff Hardin

    Jeff Hardin - 2021-12-21

    Hi all,
    I've used DVDStyler for numerous home projects (thanks!). However, I've now run into a chalenge I can't solve.

    I've tried to create a project in which the main menu is a VMGM menu. On this menu are buttons for two movies. The movies are each in their own titlesets, and each titleset also has a chapter menu.

    In the VMGM menu there are two buttons for each movie. In each case one button goes to chapter 1 of the movie (i.e., to play it straight through) while the other goes to the chapter menu in the titleset. The default behavior for the title button is "call last menu".

    What I want is the following behavior: if the movie was called through the chapter menu, when the "menu" button is pressed it should take the user back to the chapter menu for tht titleset. If, however, the movie was invoked using the "Play movie" button from the VMGM menu, then I'd like to send the user back to the VMGM menu. Right now what happens is that when the "Menu" button on the DVD player remote is invoked it sends the user to the titleset menu (the chapter menu) for that titleset. I guess I thought the "call last enu" behavior should send the user back to the menu from which the movie was invoked.

    If there is a better workflow for what I want, I'm very open to suggestsions!

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2021-12-22

    Usually the buttton "Menu" calls the root menu .You could set the value of one of the general registers to a different value depending on wich button is used on the VMGM menu and then test for the value in the pre-command for the root menu in order to decide what action to take.



    Last edit: JMJ 2021-12-22

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