
ERR: Can only have 128 commands for pre, post, and cell commands

  • Fiedzia59

    Fiedzia59 - 2023-05-21

    I create VMGM menu with 4 buttons for artists:

    <button name="button01">g0=0;jump titleset 1 menu;</button>
    <button name="button02">g0=0;jump titleset 5 menu;</button>
    <button name="button03">g0=0;jump titleset 9 menu;</button>
    <button name="button04">g0=0;jump titleset 13 menu;</button>

    Then create 4 titleset menus to play 4 songs for each artist.

    <pgc entry="root">
    <button name="button01">g1=button;g0=2;jump title 1;</button>
    <button name="button02">g1=button;g0=2;jump titleset 2 title 1;</button>
    <button name="button03">g1=button;g0=2;jump titleset 3 title 1;</button>
    <button name="button04">g1=button;g0=2;jump titleset 4 title 1;</button>
    <button name="button05">g1=button;g0=0;jump vmgm menu 1;</button></pgc>

    I allocate a separate titleset for each song. So I have 16 titlesets for
    each song.

    After adding one more artist or one more song for each artist, get an error:
    ERR: Can only have 128 commands for pre, post, and cell commands

    Is a way to use more titleset?.

    I would like to have an additional directory on DVD with hard links in it
    to VOB files located in VIDEO_TS. In this case I would have an additional
    directory with song names to play DVD on computer as ordinary files.


    Last edit: Fiedzia59 2023-05-21
  • Fiedzia59

    Fiedzia59 - 2023-05-21

    In second case no need tick "add jumppads"

    I create VMGM title menu with 6 buttons for artists:

    <button name="button01">g0=0;jump menu 2;</button>
    <button name="button02">g0=0;jump menu 3;</button>
    <button name="button03">g0=0;jump menu 4;</button>
    <button name="button04">g0=0;jump menu 5;</button>
    <button name="button05">g0=0;jump menu 6;</button>
    <button name="button06">g0=0;jump menu 7;</button>

    Then 6 menu for each artist:

    <button name="button00">g0=0;jump menu 1;</button>
    <button name="button01">g0=2;jump title 1;</button>
    <button name="button02">g0=2;jump title 2;</button>
    <button name="button03">g0=2;jump title 3;</button>
    <button name="button04">g0=2;jump title 4;</button>
    <button name="button05">g0=2;jump title 5;</button>
    <button name="button06">g0=2;jump title 6;</button>

    And 36 titlesets with one title in it:

    <subpicture lang="EN"></subpicture></menus></titleset>

    <pgc entry="root">
    <vob file="C:\Program Files\DVDStyler\data\empty_pal_ac3.mpg"></vob></pgc>

    if (g1 & 0x8000 !=0) {g1^=0x8000;if (g1==101) jump vmgm menu 1;if (g1==102) jump vmgm menu 2;if (g1==103) jump vmgm menu 3;if (g1==104) jump vmgm menu 4;if (g1==105) jump vmgm menu 5;if (g1==106) jump vmgm menu 6;if (g1==107) jump vmgm menu 7;}g1=1;jump vmgm menu;


    <vob file="... tmp\92dvd-cache\entry002.vob" chapters="0:00,0:30">
    <post>if (g0 gt 1) { g0 = 4; call vmgm menu entry title; }</post>

    After adding 7-th artist or 7-th song for each artist, get an error:
    ERR: Can only have 128 commands for pre, post, and cell commands

    Maybe there is an opportunity to refuse this PRE
    <vob file="C:\Program Files\DVDStyler\data\empty_pal_ac3.mpg"></vob>

    if (g1 & 0x8000 !=0) {g1^=0x8000;if (g1==101) jump vmgm menu 1;if (g1==102) jump vmgm menu 2;if (g1==103) jump vmgm menu 3;if (g1==104) jump vmgm menu 4;if (g1==105) jump vmgm menu 5;if (g1==106) jump vmgm menu 6;if (g1==107) jump vmgm menu 7;}g1=1;jump vmgm menu;

    Or directly call menu item to play next title?
    <vob file="... tmp\92dvd-cache\entry002.vob" chapters="0:00,0:30">
    <post>if (g0 gt 1) { g0 = 4; call vmgm menu entry title; }</post></vob>

    Is it possible to create a DVD with more than 36 titles?


    Last edit: Fiedzia59 2023-05-21
  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2023-05-21

    Maximum number of commands per menu is 128.
    Please reduce commands per menu.
    DVDStyler replace some features with many commands.

    Please try
    (1)untick "Create jumppads"
    (2)untick "Remember last selected button" - menu properties
    (3)untick "Play all titles" - button properties
    (4)not use "call last menu;" - title properties

    My English is not very good.

  • Fiedzia59

    Fiedzia59 - 2023-05-23

    Please try
    (1)untick "Create jumppads"
    Thank you very much. But how can I jump to FIRST title in next titleset?
    <post>jump titleset NEXT_TITLESET title 1;</post> not allowed

  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2023-05-23

    from titleset 1 title 1(there is only 1 title in titleset 1) to titleset 2 title 1

    add a vmgm menu(for example vmgm menu 3).
    input "call vmgm menu 3;" in post commands of titleset 1 title 1.
    input "jump title 2;"("2" means the second title in the disc) in pre commands of vmgm menu 3.

    cannot jump from one titleset to another titleset directly by dvd-video specification.

    My English is not very good again.


    Last edit: ecodrv 2023-05-27
  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2023-05-23

    Or please tick "Play all titles" and select "all titlesets" - button properties.

  • Fiedzia59

    Fiedzia59 - 2023-05-25

    I test with 11 artists x 9 songs - create 99 separated vob files. So, I have 1 artist (title) menu and 11 songs menus for each atrist.

    Title artist menu:
    jump to vmgm menu ARTISTNO

    Song menu of artist:
    jump to titleset NOTITLESET title 1

    Titleset NOTITLESET title 1:
    g0=1; call vmgm menu 1(ARTISTNO);

    vmgm menu 1:
    (pre commands): if(g0==1){jump titleset 2 menu;} if(g0==2){jump titleset 3 menu;} if(g0==3){jump titleset 4 menu;} if(g0==4){jump titleset 5 menu;} if(g0==5){jump titleset 6 menu;} if(g0==6){jump titleset 7 menu;} if(g0==7){jump titleset 8 menu;} if(g0==8){jump titleset 9 menu;} (show menu)

    titleset (root) 2 menu 1:
    jump title 1;

    See atachement (not tested)


    Last edit: Fiedzia59 2023-05-30
  • peate9

    peate9 - 2023-05-26

    None of my business, but why so many menus?

    Doesn't VMGM Menu1 and Titleset Menu 1 serve the same purpose?

    It just seems like overkill and makes navigating a chore. But just out of curiosity, post the DVDS file from the project, I wanna have a look.

  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2023-05-27

    "titleset (root) 2 menu 1:
    jump title 2;"

    "jump title 2;" should be "jump title 1;"("1" means the first title in the titleset).

  • Fiedzia59

    Fiedzia59 - 2023-05-30

    Last edit: Fiedzia59 2023-05-30
  • Fiedzia59

    Fiedzia59 - 2023-05-30

    why so many menus? You said: Please reduce commands per menu.

    So, titleset menus only for reduce commands

    VGMG MENU1 PRE: if(g0==1){jump titleset 2 menu;} if(g0==2){jump titleset 3 menu;} if(g0==3){jump titleset 4 menu;} if(g0==4){jump titleset 5 menu;} if(g0==5){jump titleset 6 menu;} if(g0==6){jump titleset 7 menu;} if(g0==7){jump titleset 8 menu;} if(g0==8){jump titleset 9 menu;} if(g0==9){jump titleset 10 menu;}

    if(g0==10 -- NO JUMPS (shoud be selected item 1 of vgmg menu 1)

    VGMG MENU2 PRE: if(g0==11){jump titleset 12 menu;} if(g0==12){jump titleset 13 menu;} if(g0==13){jump titleset 14 menu;} if(g0==14){jump titleset 15 menu;} if(g0==15){jump titleset 16 menu;} if(g0==16){jump titleset 17 menu;} if(g0==17){jump titleset 18 menu;} if(g0==18){jump titleset 19 menu;} if(g0==19){jump titleset 20 menu;}


    TITLESET1 menu pre: jump title 1;
    titles post: g0=1; call vmgm menu 1;

    TITLESET2 menu pre: jump title 1;
    titles post: g0=2; call vmgm menu 1;


  • ecodrv

    ecodrv - 2023-05-30

    peate9 said "why so many menus?".
    ecodrv said "Please reduce commands per menu.".

  • peate9

    peate9 - 2023-05-30

    I had a look and I'm wondering. Why do you keep every song in separate title sets? Your titleset menus serve absolutely no purpose as far as I can tell.

    I would use one titleset for each album or collection, insert the songs as chapters and link to them directly.

    Then just have a link to each titleset on your main mnenu, and links to each song on a titleet menu. You can put any Pre or Post command on the file or chapter link, just as you would on a menu. Having each song as a chapter would make navigating much easier, just hit next chapter on your remote and next song comes up.

    That's how I make mine and they all work great. Note the links to the sngs all have the same target file, only the chapter changes.

    Have a look at a quick exsample

    • Fiedzia59

      Fiedzia59 - 2023-05-31

      In my case DVD has 3 directories:
      VOB_NAMES (name should be last directory in file tree)

      VOB_NAMES directory contains hard linked files to VOB files in VIDEO_TS directory and named. For example VTS_01_1.VOB is hard linked to VOB_NAMES/Deep Purple (hard)/ Fools.mpg.
      Hard links don't vaste DVD space.

      Idealy would be as you thing, but store songs in separate files:

      In this case would be 9 times more clips and might be use blue-ray disk.

      • peate9

        peate9 - 2023-06-02

        Is the VOB_NAMES directory something you made up? I've never seen that before; sounds like a good idea. How do you access it from the DVD>?

        I'm not sure I understand what you mean by Hard links, xplain please. how do they save space?

        • Fiedzia59

          Fiedzia59 - 2023-06-10

          mkisofs command line:
          mkisofs -V GLAM -o GLAM.ISO -dvd-video -graft-points /="../tmp/GLAM"
          (see atachement)

          About links:

          mkisofs -cache-inodes ...
          Cache inode and device numbers to find hard links to files. If mkisofs finds a hard link (a file with multiple names), then the file will only appear once on the CD. This helps to save space on the CD. The option -cache-inodes is default on UNIX like operating systems. Be careful when using this option on a filesystem without unique inode numbers as it may result in files containing the wrong content on CD.


          Last edit: Fiedzia59 2023-06-12

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