
No subtitles mkv to iso and 3.2.1 crashing when loading file

  • Joseph McNeely

    Joseph McNeely - 2022-05-20

    I'm not a developer or software guy, just a user of DVDStyler. I use it to convert various video formats into .iso files and burn them to DVD. I'm having two problems.

    Running version 3.1 on an iMac running Big Sur 11.6.2. Works great overall but having an issue with some .mkv files. These files are movies in foreign languages with subtitles in English. The movies play fine in VLC, the subtitle track can be selected and displays correctly. When I convert them to .iso and burn to DVD the video is fine but the subtitles do not work, the option to select subtitle doesn't even exist. I'm assuming that the subtitle track isn't being carried over from the .mkv file to the .iso file.

    I thought perhaps downloading the latest version of DVDStyler, 3.2.1, might help, but encountered another problem. When I load a file, any type of file, the program immediately crashes. I've downloaded this version twice and got the same performance both times. So 3.2.1 is unusable.

    Can I get some advice as to why subtitles aren't being retained and also why 3.2.1 is crashing?

    Thanks a bunch!



  • peate9

    peate9 - 2022-05-20

    Go back to the previous version that worked and instead of creating an ISO, use the Just generate option, and burn the two resulting folders inside being AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS. Don't know if it will solve your problem, but I'd start with that.
    Note: Before burning, test it by playing the VIDEO_TS folder with VLC. Just drag and drop it onto the vlc window.
    If it still doesn't work, post your project file *.dvds as an attachment and we'll have a look.


    Last edit: peate9 2022-05-20
  • Joseph McNeely

    Joseph McNeely - 2022-05-20

    Thanks, peate9.

    I did what you suggested and created AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS folders from a couple of different .mkv files. Unfortunately both were lacking the subtitles present in the .mkv. The video and audio were fine, just no subtitles, same as the .iso files.

    I'm going to try to find .mp4 or .avi or another file format for the source material. I'll also try to upload the info you requested.

  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2022-05-21

    What are the subtitle format?


  • Joseph McNeely

    Joseph McNeely - 2022-05-22

    Hi, JMJ.

    Everything is included in the .mkv file, I assume. There is no separate file for the subtitle track. I don't know what the subtitle format is or how to determine that.

    When I load the file in VLC it shows a subtitle track when I click on Subtitles>>Subtitle Track. I can opt to turn it on or disable it.

    When I convert the .mkv file to either an .iso or a TS file the subtitles aren't there.




    Last edit: Joseph McNeely 2022-05-22
  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2022-05-22

    how to determine that



  • peate9

    peate9 - 2022-05-23

    I loaded a MKV file with subs to have a look. In the properties of the clip, you can see where it says subtitles, you have a choice, Omit or Copy. Does your clip show the same?

  • Joseph McNeely

    Joseph McNeely - 2022-05-23

    Thanks, peate9.

    I checked the properties for three different .mkv files. All had the subtitle track as "Omit". I changed that to "Copy" and converted the files.

    Unfortunately the subtitles are still not working. I output VIDEO_TS files and a DVD burned from .iso. The subtitle track is there on both, and can be selected, but subtitles do not appear oncreen.



  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2022-05-23

    Use Text mode for more info.



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