
Menu Play Button

  • Steven Roberts

    Steven Roberts - 2022-08-05


    I am overlooking something obvious, please help.

    I want to create a DVD, with a single play button on a menu that will play a single video and at the end return to the manu, as basic as it could be.

    I created this and burned a DVD ISO, tested on a PC can could not get it to play. Tried it to a real DVD and tested in a XBox DVD player, but when you select the play button (the only one on the menu) the DVD just exited rather than playing the video.

    I have attached a screen shot.

    Please help


  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2022-08-05

    Attach your dvdstyler.log from your Temp directory folder together with your project file, .dvds


  • Steven Roberts

    Steven Roberts - 2022-08-06

    Please find attached

  • Steven Roberts

    Steven Roberts - 2022-08-06

    Please find attached


    Last edit: Steven Roberts 2022-08-06
  • JMJ

    JMJ - 2022-08-07

    I have recreated your project but fail to reproduce the behaviour you describe.

    I'm on a Windows system and put your two assets in E:\DVDStyler\Forum\Steven Roperts if that matters.


  • Steven Roberts

    Steven Roberts - 2022-08-07

    I am using Mac but guess its the same

  • Steven Roberts

    Steven Roberts - 2022-08-07

    So to update I just tried a new project, selected a template and added 1 video. No other changes from standard. Created ISO and opened in VLC. NOTHING HAPPENS

    However, I then did the same thing as above on a PC.
    The ISO in VLC now has selection bottons on the menu (Things are animated) and I can play a video.

    So 100% the problem is with styler on a Mac M1.

  • Steven Roberts

    Steven Roberts - 2022-08-07

    A further test.
    Created a iso on the Mac Mini M1, would not play in VLC, Would not play in VLC on a PC!

    Created an iso on a PC, Plays in VLC on the PC and plays in VLC on the MAC!

    So Its an issue with a Mac Minin M1 and Styler unable to create usable ISO's.

  • peate9

    peate9 - 2022-08-07

    You could try to: " Just generate" in the burn dialogue, then take the resulting folders AUDIO.TS and VIDEO.TS and make an ISO with another program. There seems to be many:

    • Steven Roberts

      Steven Roberts - 2022-08-07

      When I test in VLC it does not work, this is before I create the ISO


      Last edit: Steven Roberts 2022-08-07
  • Steven Roberts

    Steven Roberts - 2022-08-07

    Now seen some more posts relating to the M1 and my issues. I have download version 3.1 from the web site and tried creating again on the Mac M1 and all appears to work fine.


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