
dvdisaster / News: Recent posts

dvdisaster 0.72. released

dvdisaster stores user data together with error correction information on CD, DVD and BD media. This way the user data is fully recoverable even when the medium develops some read errors.

The dvdisaster project is glad to announce the first stable version of the 0.72 branch.
In this version the russian online documentation has been completed and
some minor bugs from the first release candidate have been removed.

Posted by palladium 2009-07-04

dvdisaster 0.71.23 (alpha) released

dvdisaster protects data archived on CD/DVD media against data loss caused by aging media or scratches.

The current alpha release introduces support for BD and HD DVD media and an improved data recovery algorithm for CD media. You are invited to give us feedback about the new features, especially if you own a BD or HD DVD drive.

Posted by palladium 2007-05-06

dvdisaster 0.70 released

This version of dvdisaster adds full support for putting error correction information into ISO and UDF images (as an alternative to creating separate error correction files). The project welcomes the maintainers of the Darwin/Mac OS X port and the Swedish translation.

Posted by palladium 2006-07-09

dvdisaster 0.66 released

dvdisaster provides additional error correction for CD and DVD media.

This release tests images against their checksums during a media scan. File creation can resume after encountering and removing out-of-space conditions on hard disc.
A new experimental codec is provided for storing error correction data within the image.

Posted by palladium 2006-03-27