
dvconnect and JVC GR-DV3

Paul Gregg
  • Paul Gregg

    Paul Gregg - 2001-08-20


    I am using dvconnect with a JVC camcorder. I can download data from the camcorder using the following command:

    dvconnect -v > test.dv

    However when I try to upload data to the camcorder, the camcorder does not do anything. Here are the steps I use:

    Put the JVC in PLAY mode. Hit the record button, the words "DV IN" appear in the viewfinder and I hear the miniDV tape cue up. I then issue the following command:

    dvconnect -v -s test.dv

    It buffers and then sends the frames. The camcorder however does nothing. It just sits there with the Time Code at 00:00:00. It this an incompatibility with my camcorder?

    My OS is RedHat 7.1, Kernel 2.4.3, OHCI Card..


    • Tony J. White

      Tony J. White - 2001-08-27

      I have the same problem with a JVC DVM50U.

      Using kernel 2.4.6, D-Link DFW-500 OHCI card.

      • Tony J. White

        Tony J. White - 2001-08-28

        The plot thickens...

        I've installed linux 2.4.9 with the ieee1394 drivers from 2.4.6 plus the video1394 stuff from
        kino 0.45.  This seems to be the most reliable conglamoration of ieee1394 stuff available btw.

        From kino I can export a movie back to the camcorder, so I now know that part is working.

        Using kino, I've found the best results using a SYT of 14000.

        I thought I'd give all my new-found knowledge a try with dvbackup.  I ran several combinations of:

        dvconnect --video-1394-version=2 --syt-offset=14000 --cip-n-ntsc=2436 --cip-d-ntsc=38400 -s test.dv -v

        I still get ZERO feedback on the camcorder as the dv data is streamed to it.

        Any ideas?  Has anyone else with a JVC camcorder got dvconnect to work?

        • Paul Gregg

          Paul Gregg - 2001-08-30


          Have you had any luck downloading NTSC video generated by the 0.0.3 dvbackup -n? When I try to send it to the JVC the camcorder kicks out of 'DV IN' mode and I have to stop the dvconnect transfer before it will go back in.

          • Tony J. White

            Tony J. White - 2001-08-30

            I can stream the dvbackup -n data to my camcorder
            and see the tux picture on it.  I can even record... for 1:05 seconds, then my camcorder
            reboots herself.  Peter is helping me
            debug this problem.

            As for your problem:

            After the "DV-IN" disappears try hitting the start/stop button again.  Your camcorder may just
            be having problems syncing to the video thereby
            displaying the default blue screen not leaving DV-IN mode.

            • Paul Gregg

              Paul Gregg - 2001-08-31

              This is the exact same problem I am seeing. After examining the Tux image file in the source, the one that appears on the camcorder is larger and the red text that says dvbackup 0.0.3 is black and cut off. Let me know how you and Peter are doing.

              Thanks again for your help and confirmation.

              I have been able to get my kernel to panic a few times plugging and unplugging the IEEE-1394 cable to and from the camcorder. I would assume this is a problem with the IEEE-1394 code in the kernel.

              Thanks again!

              • Peter Schlaile

                Peter Schlaile - 2001-08-31

                > After examining the Tux image file in the source, the one
                > that appears on the camcorder is larger and the red text that
                > says dvbackup 0.0.3 is black and cut off

                That's OK. The U and V components are averaged across 4 pixels in horizontal direction for NTSC which leaves no chance for the red pixels to survive. Haven't really thought of this, when I drew the picture...


              • Tony J. White

                Tony J. White - 2001-08-31

                About your kernel panic's.  If you compile all
                the ieee1394 stuff as modules, the kernel won't
                crash and you can reset them with:
                rmmod -r video1394
                rmmod -r raw1394
                modprobe video1394
                modprobe raw1394

                Every once in awhile I have to do this, but I'm
                unable to find a pattern to it.

                I always turn my camcorder off before I plug the
                cable into it.  It says to in the camcorder owner

                • Paul Gregg

                  Paul Gregg - 2001-08-31

                  Interesting, they are compiled as modules... hmm, no more hot swapping of the camcorder I guess. :-)

    • Paul Gregg

      Paul Gregg - 2001-08-28

      Hey Tony,

      Thanks for all your work on this! I will give kino a try to verify that my setup will at least export video properly.

      Thanks again!

      • Tony J. White

        Tony J. White - 2001-08-29

        w00t!  I finally got dvconnect working!

        It appears that you and I are the only two people to try to use dvbackup on an NTSC camcorder.

        I stepped throught the kino file comparing it to dvconnect.c and found that there was a condition for NTSC missing.  I am now able to use dvconnect to stream dv data to and from my camcorder.  My patched version is here:

        Now for the bad news.... dvbackup doesn't appear to be NTSC compatable either :(.  There IS a --ntsc-mode flag for dvbackup, and it does create output that is displayed on the camcorder, but it is just rainbow-like garbage (supposed to be a tux image i think).  Furthermore, when I try to record this input to tape, my camcorder crashes.


        • Paul Gregg

          Paul Gregg - 2001-08-29

          Hi Tony,

          I compiled your patched version, however my camcorder is still doing nothing. I tried adding the full parameters as you did to the dvconnect command but the camcorder still sits motionless.

          I did get dvconnect into some kind of weird mode where it would only send seven frames and then stop. I tried unloading and reloading the 1394 kernel modules but that did not help. I also tried a warm boot, but the problem persisted. I finally powered down and backup. dvconnect began sending full dvclips again, just not to my camcorder. :-)

          gscanbus does show the camera in record mode when 'DV IN' is on the camcorder display.

          Good going on finding the NTSC bug!

          • Paul Gregg

            Paul Gregg - 2001-08-29

            Also Tony,

            Kino is suffering a similar fate on my JVC as well, although the camcorder does put a timestamp on the tape. I hear some different tape noises, but still, no video on the tape.

            Kino captures just fine though.

            • Tony J. White

              Tony J. White - 2001-08-29

              So does the LCD screen on the camcorder flicker
              or anything when streaming DV data to it?

              What happens when you push record again when the
              DV-IN is on the screen and data is being streamed? (this is how you record to tape on JVC's).

              For reference, these are the commands I used to get successful results with dvconnect:
              1. Record a sample movie with the camcorder
              2. Rewind
              3. Play movie
              4. dvconnect --video-1394-version=2 --syt-offset=14000 > test.dv
              5. Stop camcorder
              6. Put camcorder in PLAY mode
              7. dvconnect -s --video-1394-version=2 --syt-offset=14000 test.dv

              Note I did not need to push record in order to see
              the video on the screen as it was streamed to the

              I'm assuming you are using kernel 2.4.9 with drivers/ieee1394 from 2.4.6 and the drivers/ieee1394/video1394.c and drivers/ieee1394/video1394.h from kino 0.45.
              ALL other combinations have produced unstable results for me.

              In kino, you should try to play with the SYT offset.  See

              • Paul Gregg

                Paul Gregg - 2001-08-30

                Success Tony!

                I upgraded my kernel from 2.4.3 to 2.4.9 and I can now stream video to the JVC using the following command:

                dvconnect -s -v --video-1394-version=2 test.dv

                If I omit the --video-1394-version=2 I just get a jitter of the blue screen on the camcorder. Playing with the SYT value can make it better or worse, but I never can get a good picture.

                Thanks for all your help!

        • Peter Schlaile

          Peter Schlaile - 2001-08-29


          sorry about the late response, but I haven't noticed, that I have to monitor a forum to get messages by mail. Shame on me ;-)

          I uploaded dvbackup-0.0.3 which at least includes the fixes by Tony and enough bugfixes to make NTSC work with playdv.

          If this still doesn't fix the problem, please send me some e-mail.


    • Charlie Campbell

      Hi I am using a JVC gr-DVM70 and am experiencing the exact same problems as above .. i am using

      i am running gentoo with kernel 2.4.19 with ieee1394 built into the kernel i can control the camera fine with kino and gscanbus and dvgrab works flawlessly.. 

    • Mojo Nichols

      Mojo Nichols - 2003-06-03

      I have at lease a similar problem with a JV  GR-DVL725:-( I am very disappointed as I was really counting on using this for backups.

      I also now get a VIDEO1394_TALK_WAIT_BUFFER: Bad address when issueing the following command although I feel like I got it to work at least once.

      dvconnect -s --video-1394-version=2 --syt-offset=14000 dvbackup-0.0.4.tar.gz

      any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

    • Jim Nutt

      Jim Nutt - 2003-08-29

      I've found that adding a second or two delay after starting record  helps quite a bit as well...


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