
How do you control sand worms as Fremen in SP/MP?

  • FoxThree

    FoxThree - 2019-11-24

    Just stumbled across this project and noticed it inlcuded the Super Dune 2 factions for single/multi-player. The Fremen are supposed to be able to control sandworms, however in multiplayer (creating a map for testing) all they do is attack me. Can someone explain how the player controlled sandworms work? What are their conditions of control? Have searched like crazy online and can't seem to find a how to play manual anywhere, only that you CAN control them as the Fremen.

  • bliznik

    bliznik - 2020-09-14

    I also have this issue. I can't control the Sand Worms for the life of me as a Fremen. Is there a manual somewhere for Super Dune 2?

    Also, the Fremen appear to be very similar to Atredies. The Palace just summons more Fremen. The only real difference is that the levels are different and the final levels I start with oodles of credits, but the Enemy attacks me immediately, forcing me to rely on the Starport.


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