
If the game feels too hard and you don't want to change the difficulty setting

  • Daniel Haugstvedt

    I just completed the House of Harkonnen campaign with standard settings (medium AI). The fifth map was brutal. It gets much easier after that map. Facing siege tanks without having your own makes this map a challenge. I saw some videos online but they must have been playing on easy.

    The trick I ended up using was to wait for all the spice to be harvested with me having stored a large portion of it. Then I kept the engagements efficient and waited for the AI to run out of credits.

    Specifics: I started off with a strong economy (5-7 refineries build without taking time to put strucutres on concrete), then two Carryalls, after that two heavy factories and one or two repair facilities. Then i got to the unit limit with tanks only and stay back and wait for the spice to run out. When attacked by siege tanks, I moved out and sniped them before retreating. I got some extra silos when waiting.

    The rest of the maps are easy if you use sige tanks. Using a star port and refinary only strategy will make the last maps easy.

    Tags so you can find this searching on Google: Dune, hard, impossible, how to beat mission 5, how to beat mission 6 :p

  • Stefan van der Wel

    i think there was a plan to introduce the old "campaign Ai" not sure what happened with it

  • Valentin Kozin

    Valentin Kozin - 2021-04-05

    Came here to agree. Seems the author hasn't checked the difficulty. Can't beat the 8'th Atr. level even with startport-only strategics. The problem is that both enemies already have their base built, they collect tanks and then put them all to attack me.

    Will install the original dos game instead.

  • ErwinGame

    ErwinGame - 2022-04-16

    It is easy for Me

    • Valentin Kozin

      Valentin Kozin - 2022-04-16

      maybe you'll show a video how you complete the level? or explaination of tactics in details? just your opinion doesn't help a bit, dude.


      ah, you're just a bot.


      Last edit: Valentin Kozin 2022-04-16
      • Daniel Haugstvedt

        I was on my way here to comment also.

        I guess, arguing with a bot makes no sense but my original post is outdated. With the updates it might well be that medium is easy for experienced strategy players. There are some material in the forums regarding the challenges with trying to balance the AI if you are interested in the reason for why it was soo hard.

  • George Bernabeu

    George Bernabeu - 2022-05-17

    They got a little out of hand with the difficulty but I understand that being able to use numbers and select several units at the same time makes the original game very easy, they kinda killed the feeling because it's a pretty simplistic game witihout much space for different strategies other than spam units and farm as quickly as possible, I don't know how to change the difficulty either and I would really like to play a little more since I can't pass the first mission against the harkonen as the ordos. Even so I greatly congratulate those who worked to bring this jewel from the memory so that those of us who played it in our youth can have a good time.
    It would be really good for whoever touched the difficulty to just turn it down a little bit since most of us are here just for the nostalgia and not really for a challenging experience (I think). Nonetheless i'm really thankful for whoever made this. If you ever come to Uruguay dont think about paying a hotel, you can't stay at my house and we'll eat asado.


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