
Wish List For Next Version

Nick Dunn
  • Nick Dunn

    Nick Dunn - 2017-03-30

    What I would like to see in the next version:

    1. A simple AI script that tells it to attack the closest enemy for Survival maps.
    2. A way to modify campaign rules.
    3. Campaign editor for dummies.
    4. Tech level settings for custom games.
    5. Remove Area guard from units that were repaired. (Probably a bug.)
    6. Remove auto-crush from treaded units when left-clicking to attack infantry.
    7. A way to modify Palace and Deviation timers, Death Hand Missile, Fremen, and Sarduakar.
    8. A way to modify unit anti-air capability.
    9. An option to add in randomly spawned Spice Pockets in custom games to keep the spice flowing.
    10. Add in the Amiga version ambient music to the in-game music playlist, and make it play when using the editor.

    Bugs that I would like to see fixed:

    1. Cannot spawn infantry of any kind as a reinforcement in custom maps.
    2. Pressing the "S" key doesn't tell your selected units to stop.
    3. Targeting issues with Missile Launchers causing them to move to the target instead of shoot it.
    4. Air units have zero visibility.

    Last edit: Nick Dunn 2021-05-27
    • Stefan van der Wel

      all those things can be done :-) it's just time. If you want to become a dev, you have got a better chance of getting them done

  • Milsa

    Milsa - 2017-05-17

    Please fix this problem. Game is not playable. Graphics freezes but game is running.

  • Marek

    Marek - 2017-07-01

    Please add to qbot and to the new AI the ability to play Old AI what was previously in Dune Legacy. Please add all three levels of Old AI as it was before in Dune Legacy. Thank you!

  • Muadib

    Muadib - 2017-07-02

    First, thanks for this great upgrade of this great game!

    A few changes I'd like to see:

    1 - Repair during battle
    The combination of Carryalls, Repair Facility and putting tanks in battle is overpowered imho.

    Carryalls should not, especially not in the heat of battle, be so easily swung back and forth between being constantly under fire and the repair facility.

    2 - The special units: Sonic Tank and the Devastator (and perhaps the Deviator, I have not tried this one yet) are not so special any more. They were a bit overpowered, i agree, but now they are slaughtered by Siege Tanks and Missile Launchers. Keep the price high, but add a bit more power to them.


    Last edit: Muadib 2017-07-02
    • Akubi

      Akubi - 2021-08-27

      There is a way to counter Carryall, Repair Facility and Tank combo.

      If they came in multiple unit, first you damage your first target until it smoke. Then switch to 2nd target to another enemy tank. This is because you most likely cannot finish destroy the first target. While the AI is busy repairing the 1st target, you will definitely able to destroy 2nd or maybe the 3rd target. Then repeat on the 4th target to make it smoke, then switch to destroy 5th and 6th target. Rinse and repeat.

      Because rocket launcher is so accurate, 4 missile launcher will make the attack or defense much easier.


      Last edit: Akubi 2021-08-27
  • Victor

    Victor - 2018-03-15

    Thank you for the opportunity to play this great game. I would be happy if you would add music by "Dune 2 Battle for Arrakis" from Sega Megadrive. Because, I think, there were excellent atmospheric soundtracks.

  • Mr.Smith1974

    Mr.Smith1974 - 2018-09-14

    I would like to see the following fixes:
    1. control the camera with "wasd"
    2. around the aircraft black texture (halo) in the screenshot in the attachment
    3. turn off the sound of accrued money
    4. display on construction yard "ok" when the building is built and can be installed. Or anywhere notification of this
    5. Suddenly after 20 minutes, the game became very slow (2-3 FPS per second). On pause, everything is fine, but in the game itself, I was not able to continue to play.

  • Dmitri Fatkin

    Dmitri Fatkin - 2019-06-04

    It would also be nice to see Sandworm's WeaponReloadTime characteristic modified to 240 (4 times higher than the current one), since people have been noting in this thread that the unit in its present state appears to be overpowered, giving encountered tracked vehicles no chances to escape.


    Last edit: Dmitri Fatkin 2019-06-05
  • Dmitri Fatkin

    Dmitri Fatkin - 2021-04-28

    The implementation of 4th feature from Nick's list (Tech level settings for custom games) would be very handy for playtesting Single Player levels without having to utilize multiple versions of ObjectData.ini.


    Last edit: Dmitri Fatkin 2021-06-08
  • Akubi

    Akubi - 2021-08-27

    Mentat for Sardaukar, Fremen and Mercenaries has different look. Not just a replicate from Atreides, Ordos and Harkonen.

  • Alexus

    Alexus - 2021-12-15

    Hello everyone, I need to thank all of You for that fantastic windows game.
    it's a new experience for a Dune gaming, it's a great nostalgy.
    I want to edit next:
    using wall and turettes - it's very important for strategy ( now no need to build it at all )
    selecting group of vehicles - ( now two clicks select only types of vehicles )
    sound tanks - it's a problem - ( now they kill all my vehicles that stand opposite it )
    balance of difficult - it's AWESOME - ( I win if only I construct maximum vehicles, sometime i dont even have time to construct enough and I am DOOMED) Dune Legacy 0.97.0 Alpha


    Last edit: Alexus 2021-12-29
  • Jakob Weiss

    Jakob Weiss - 2022-01-13

    Builtin Zerotier support for easy internet play would be awesome. Like the did in the diablo 1 remake.

  • Weapon

    Weapon - 2023-01-05

    Loving the nostalgia trip! Amazing work so far!

    But for the love of god can you remove the annoying UI click sound?!?

    The sound effect doesn't fit with the rest of the game and completely breaks my immersion. Ntm I don't ever remember the original having it.

  • Weapon

    Weapon - 2023-01-05

    double post :/


    Last edit: Weapon 2023-01-05
  • Alexus

    Alexus - 2023-02-26

    Dune Legacy 0.97.02 - almost PERFECT
    Lagging if large amounf of technics on the map.
    2-enemies impossible to play - Freezing DEAD Please Help )))
    I send my MAP, test it at HARD AI or qBot
    Edit please annoying money click sound


    Last edit: Alexus 2023-05-13
  • Alexus

    Alexus - 2023-03-12

    Last edit: Alexus 2023-03-12

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